Hanging By A Moment - Patrick Sullivan

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She awoke to the warmth of the sun kissing her skin through the window of her apartment. Moaning softly as she stretched her body to wake up and reaching over for her boyfriend of seven months only to feel the coolness of the sheets. Ashley sighed heavily and got up to start a new day. Patrick, who was a firefighter with FDNY. Had been working a lot of over time lately and she hadn't really been able to see him. Ashley missed waking up and going to sleep in his arms. She missed sitting on his lap as they sipped coffee and watched the news while Patrick would whisper sweet nothings into her ear making her giggle. But she also knew Patrick was a great firefighter who loved his job. So she decided to do something for him.

It was Saturday, Ashley was a kindergarten teacher so she has the weekend off. After showering and reading her self for the day. Ashley made a large lasagna casserole for lunch along with some garlic bread for the guys at the firehouse, as well as a cinnamon roll apple pie. She then loaded it into her car and drove to the fire house.

As soon as some of the guys saw her they smiled and said, "Oh sweet angel. You are a sight for sore eyes." Larry one of the fireman said. Ashley blushed and said, "Thanks guys. Listen I made some food for y'all. Can you help me carry it to the kitchen?" They all came running and took everything. Ashley laughed, anytime there was food the boys always wanted it. Especially if she cooked. She could tell they all looked a bit tired but she didn't see Patrick. She asked Larry and he said, "He's up in the crib catching up on some sleep. You can go on up if you want? He'll be ecstatic to see you. He's one grumpy son of a bitch when he ain't got to see you." Larry said chuckling. Ashley fixed a big plate with a hunk of lasagna, garlic bread, and dessert. Then she grabbed a water and made her way upstairs to the crib where she found Patrick, asleep on one of the beds. One arm slung over his face, another across his abdomen. His soft snores filled the room. Ashley smiled and set the plate down. Making her way over to her boyfriend and crawling over him and laying next to him in the small bed. Patrick woke up when he felt someone crawl over him just to find Ashley in his arms. "Baby...what are you doing here? Everything ok?" He asked gathering her into his arms. "Everything's fine. I just...I really missed you and I needed to see you. I brought food." Ashley said nodding towards the food. Patrick saw the plate and smiled. "I bet you the guys were happy." "Practically drooled all the way to the kitchen." Ashley confirmed, making them both laugh. "I made your favorite." "Your my favorite sweetheart. I'm sorry I havnt been home. I promise I'll make it up to you. I promise." "Patrick it's ok, I know you've been working hard baby. Now eat something." "In a minute sweetheart. I just wanna hold you for a little bit longer. I've missed having you in my arms." So Ashley lay there as they looked deep into each others eyes. He wrapped his arms around her body pulling her closer to him. "Kiss me." She said running one hand up and down his chest and the other through the fullness of his hair. Patrick didn't need to be told twice. He eagerly enveloped her lips and smiled as they kissed each other lovingly. They made out for a few minutes until both needed oxygen. As much as Ashley wanted to continue, he needed to eat. So she pushed him to get up and eat his plate of food before the next call came and interrupted them. Moaning and grunting happily as he ate big bites of the hearty size lasagna slice she gave him along with the garlic bread. He was about to dig into the dessert when the call came. He quickly put down his plate and got up. He kissed her quickly and said, "I love you Ashley." "I love you too, be safe please. Come home to me." "I will baby." Then he rushed off towards the trucks and dressed in his uniform, hopping on the truck as it pulled out with lights and sirens blaring. Ashley watched them drive off and then looked towards the sky. "God please keep them safe." Then she cleaned up for them in the kitchen and left.

The next morning, Ashley woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon. She smiled and was about to get up when Patrick came walking in the bedroom door with a tray filled with breakfast, coffee, orange juice, and a glass with a flower in it. "Morning beautiful." Patrick said as he set the tray down on her lap. He then leaned down and kissed her. "I have the next two weeks off. Chief told me I needed to get off my ass and go home and spend time with my girl." "Wise man, that chief of yours." Ashley said smiling as she pulled him in for another kiss. They pulled away and Ashley was about to dig into her breakfast when she heard a small bark. "What was that?" She asked, Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. "That is your surprise. One sec." He walked out of the room and brought back a small chocolate lab puppy. "This is Blaze. Blaze meet your mama." Patrick said sitting him on the bed. The puppy quickly walked to Ashley with his little tail wagging happily. Ashley had tears of joy in her eyes as she eagerly brought the puppy into her arms. "Oh my god...he's so cute. Baby I can't believe you got me a puppy. Thank you." Patrick laid in the bed next to them and said, "Well you and I have been talking about pets lately and I know we said we wanted to wait until we got a bigger place but this little guy was the hero last night. He kept barking and barking until people woke up and saw smoke in the building. He saved a lot of lives last night." "What about his owners." "No one seemed to know whom he belonged too. So we took him back to the station, cleaned him up, and we ended up naming him. I hope that's alright." Patrick said. Ashley kissed him and leaned up against him. "That's more then alright." The three of them spent the rest of the morning eating breakfast and playing together as a new family.

" The three of them spent the rest of the morning eating breakfast and playing together as a new family

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