I'm Sorry - Jason Crouse

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Jason was pissed. Today was just the worst fucking day.  First he had woken up late, then he and Alicia had got into it over a case, then his truck broke down. Now he was finally home but not before it poured down heavy rain on him. All he wanted now was to have a quiet night at home. He put the key into the door and as soon as he walked in, his girlfriend, Emily, of one year, greeted him happily. "Hi baby." She said wrapping her arms around him and giving him a kiss. Then she pulled back when she realized he was all wet.

"Oh Jason...what happened?"

"I got fucking poured on by the god damn rain what do you think?" He said snapping at her. Emily flinched for a moment, not use to the fact Jason snapping at her. This was this first time ever in fact he had even slightly raised his voice at her. But she quickly perked up, determined to not let rain ruin their night.

"I'm sorry baby. But guess what? I made..."

"Emily...I'm really not in the mood to guess nor really care ok. I'm fucking tired, this has been the worst fucking day." Jason said tossing off his drenched coat, then taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose before putting back on. He hadn't even notice her fancy little black dress and how nice she looked. Still determined to make him happy, Emily grabbed his hands and tried moving him to the living room.

"Well why don't we sit down and I'll make you a drink. I also made..."

"Emily just stop!" Emily really flinched that time. Jason never raised his voice at her, never. He was always so sweet, and gentle. He treated her like a princess. But tonight...she didn't know what was wrong. Did she do something wrong? Was he angry with her? "Emily...I have had a really rough day. I don't care what you made ok. In fact...I just need to be left alone. So just leave me alone." Emily's lip quivered, trying to hold back the tears, "Ok, I'm so...sorry Jason. I didn't mean to make you angry. Please don't hurt me."

When Jason heard that, all of his anger was gone. His body went cold. He looked at Emily and finally noticed how she was dressed, her tears, how scared she looked. He couldn't believe it. The one good thing in his life and he had just acted like a complete jackass. Emily was abused by her parents and by her previous boyfriend. "Sweetheart...I'm so...I'm sorry. I can't believe I just yelled at you like that. Baby you didn't deserve that and you did nothing wrong. You hear me...you did nothing wrong and I am not mad at you." Jason said moving slowly towards her.

"But...you yelled at me. You've never raised your voice to me." "Your right and I was wrong princess. I will never, ever yell at you again. Ok? I'm sorry. I really am baby but I just a had shitty day. But that is no excuse for yelling at you. Will you please forgive me? Please?" Emily looked at him and wiped the tears from her face. Then she slowly raised her arms, gesturing for him to hold her. "I guess so." She whispered.

Jason gave a small chuckle and pulled her gently into an embrace. "I'll take it princess." After a few moments, Jason pulled back slightly and said, "You look, so, beautiful baby."


"Absolutely. So sexy and beautiful. Your dressed for our anniversary aren't you?"

Emily nodded, still a little shaken. "You didn't forget?"

Jason cupped her face gently and kissed her lips. "Sweetheart I would never forget the day I met you. And despite me being a jackass just now. I am the luckiest bastard in this world to have you sweetheart. I don't deserve you. Do you forgive me?"

Emily nodded, they kissed each other lovingly but then Jason pulled back and said, "Let me get your present." But Emily stopped him and said, "Let's have dinner first. I spent all day working on it." Jason smiled and said, "It smells amazing baby. Your right. First dinner. Then I'll spoil you with gifts." Emily giggled and then led him into the kitchen where they enjoyed an amazing dinner together.

*To be continued...*

*Btw I'm sorry this isn't the best of my writing but I'll do better on the next part. I promise. 😘*

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