The Bite

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      The laughing stops as Fredbear's mouth bites down on the youngest Afton sibling. His tormentors fall silent. Michael and his group of friends couldn't believe their eyes. Evan Afton, at the age of seven, body dropped from Fredbear's mouth. His skull has been split open, Fredbear's mouth is stained with blood.

      Evan turned seven years old today. But what should have been one of the happiest days of the year for him, turned into a tragedy. Even before this moment Evan's life was filled with absolute torment. It all started about the time Evan turned 4, before that he was living happily, and Michael, his brother, actually got along with him.

      William Afton Evan's father was never around, even when he was though he was always working on something. That made everyone including Evan very sad. Michael was the one who took it the hardest, him and his father never really got along. But the day came when Michael changed, it was the day when their mom and dad were fighting. Eventually their mom got really mad and stormed off with the car. Evan hasn't seen her since. The next day Michael was completely different; he shut out everyone and was mean to Evan wherever he tried to talk to him. Later Michael made different friends and school, and Evan didn't like them.

      From then on Michael just kept getting worse and worse. He became openly mean to Evan and Elizabeth. When masks came out from Fazbear Entertainment, Michael and his friends didn't wait to take advantage of them. Michael always hid and scared Evan and Elizabeth with them.

      This way of life wasn't making Michael happy either. At night Evan could sometimes hear him sobbing, but every time Evan tried to bring it up with Michael, he denied it. All Evan had at this point was Elizabeth, she was his only friend besides Fredbear and his plushies. But something happened and Evan was left alone.

      Evan was with Elizabeth when it happened a few months ago. They were with their dad at the newly opened Sister location. Evan and Elizabeth could hardly believe their eyes. Their dad said he made the main animatronic Cirus Baby especially for Elizabeth! Evan was feeling a little left out, but he was glad to see Elizabeth happy. But William told them to stay away from Circus Baby, but Elizabeth couldn't resist.

      When William wasn't watching, Elizabeth asked Evan to stay with their father while she went over to Circus Baby. Evan was torn between telling his dad or listening to his sister, but before he could make up his mind it was too late. From the doorway Evan was standing at, he saw Cirus Baby scoop up his sister with some sort of claw! Elizabeth disappeared into Circus Baby as she screamed. Evan broke down and ran screaming to his father in tears. When Evan told William, he froze and ran straight to Circus Baby telling Evan not to tell anyone what he saw. When they left the Sister location Elizabeth was not with them. Evan was heartbroken and was in tears. He tried to tell Michael, but he didn't believe him.

      Seeing what the animatronic did to his sister, Evan wasn't able to look at the animatronics the same way again. He grew terrified of them to the point where he was scared to even enter any of his dad's establishments.

      Michael didn't leave his room for a week after Elizabeth disappeared. But when he did, he became even colder. Michael made it his dedication to make Evan's life a living hell. And when he realized how afraid Evan was of the animatronics, his tactics changed dramatically. Wherever their dad made Michael watch Evan, Michael would force him to come to the dinner his father owned. Michael would lock Evan in the supply closet on occasion. And on some days, he would even leave him in the restaurant to walk home alone.

      Evans mental health was dropping fast as well as his self-esteem. It felt as if every day of his life was a nightmare that he couldn't escape. But things got even worse when his birthday approached. Michael doubled his antics, as the big day approached. When the day of the party happened, Evan did his best to distance himself from his brother. But it didn't work.

      Michael and all of his friends jumped out at once and scared Evan. making him cry on the ground. But they didn't stop their Michial had an idea that he was working on for months. Him and his friends forcefully picked up Evan as he squirmed, begging to be let go. But that made them laugh even more. They put Evan in Fredbear's mouth, and Evan never felt more scared in his entire life. He was in the mouth of one of the things that took his sister away! He knew that the animatronics were dangerous.

      Michael and his friends laughed and laughed, but in a split second the laughing stopped. That is where we are, as a big brother stares at the lifeless body of his little brother. As blood drips down his head. Michael had tears streaming down his face as he realized the extent of his actions. Two of his friends run off, afraid of the consequences of what they have done. Only one sticks with Michael, paralyzed staring as tears forms on their face.

      William barges in and screams at Michael. An ambulance is soon called to the scene. It takes two people from the crowd to restrain Michael from touching his brother, out of fear that it might harm him. Once the paramedics get Evan free, they put him on a stretcher and rush him to the ambulance.

      Evan is now in the hospital where his fate will soon be met.


Freadbear Plushie POV: 

      I've failed. The only friend I have left in the world. He is broken, it is hard to even tell he has a head with all the bandages covering it. I can't allow this to happen! No, this time it will be different. 


Author's Notes:

This has been the first chapter of Some place happy. I am really excited to write this, Evan Afton is my favorite character. In this Fredbear is possessed by one of the children William killed.


Evan is 7

Michael is 15

Elizabeth is 8

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