What is this place?

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Evan's POV:

      The trees around me are blooming. From the looks of it, it is sometime in the summer season. From where I am standing, I see a playground with a few kids playing on it. I am at the edge of the park near the fence that surrounds it. Outside of the park it looks like we're in a town. And one of the buildings has really weird looking TV screens on display! Their screens are so much bigger yet, and they are not box shaped! But that is not the only thing that looks weird around here, the cars on the street are also different! They look more curvy and less boxy.

      "Fredbear everything looks so different, what should I do?!"

      "Do not worry, look around. Even I don't even know what kind of environment we have been sent to." Ok Fredbear is right. I just need to take a look around, maybe that will give me a clue about what kind of place this is.

      I walk deeper into the park; I pass by many different people. Some walking their dogs and others just sitting around on the park benches. I try to not look out of place as I pass them, but at the same time it is hard to stay calm. Seriously where am I and how did Fredbear do it?!

      I pass by a pond, and I stop abruptly. I was planning on walking right by it, but what caught my attention was my reflection in the water. I still look the same but, on my forehead, there are several huge scars! Are they from the bite?!

      "Fredbear what are-" I can barely say anything as I look at the scars with disbelief.

      "I am sorry, but in the process of transporting you here, I couldn't get rid of all the damage. While your original body died in the hospital, I was able to copy it, but not without taking the damage away completely." Fredbears words are filled with empathy. Tears start to form in my eyes as I feel the marks on my head. I start crying.

      "Hey there, are you ok?" I turned around at lightning speed. Standing a few feet away from me is a woman who appears to be in her 30's. She smiles at me as she walks closer.

      "Be careful, we do not know who this is." I nod at Fredbear as the woman approaches me.


Her POV:

      Today was a usual Saturday for me. After breakfast I talked to my boyfriend, then took a walk through the park. But today as I was going by the lake I heard crying, so I went to investigate. It sounded like a child, and I turned out to be right as I got closer to the sound. He looks to be around the age of 6 or 7. He is staring into the lake and appears to be all by himself. I should make sure that he is ok and that his parents are around.

      "Hey there, are you ok?" He turns around surprisingly very quickly. I feel guilt wash over me for startling him. I smile as I approach him. He has tears streaming down his face, but the most noticeable feature is the huge scars that are on his face. I feel sympathy looking at them, those look like they would be pretty painful to obtain. I try quickly to try not to show that I am staring at his scars, and I continue my approach.

      In his arms there is some sort of bear stuffed animal. I have never seen one look like that before, its body is completely yellow, and its eyes black. On top of its head is a purple top hat. Maybe I'll have to get one of those bears for my nephew, I am sure he would love one.

      I kneel down to the kid's level and I try to place my hand on his shoulder. That was a mistake, he immediately jumps back as I move my hand. I feel concerned by his reaction, he seems very jumpy for someone his age, maybe it has something to do with his scars.

      "O I'm sorry their buddy. I didn't mean to startle you. I heard you crying so I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He looks at the ground and I can tell that he is nervous.

      "Are your parents nearby, maybe I could take you to them." The kid looks even more nervous as he tenses up. His reaction to my question immediately raises some red flags. Is he lost?!

      "Are you here by yourself?" The kid looks hesitant to answer, as he takes a second to stare at his toy.

      "Yes." He says softly. He sounded unsure when he said that I guess by the way he was staring at his toy and considered it as a person. I remember when I was his age, it's cute that he is attached to a toy. But then the extent of his answer hits me, he is all alone here! I can't leave him like this!

      "What is your name?"


      "Ok Evan, I am going to take you to the police station ok. You're not in trouble, it's just so that we can find your parents. Ok?" The kid's eyes widen as he starts shaking. I take his hand and smile.

      "Don't worry you're going to be ok."


Fredbear Plushie POV:

      I do not trust her; I have seen what happens when you trust strangers.

      Kids, I got a special surprise for you in the back room. If you follow me, I'll take you to it!

      It never ends well.

      I will keep an eye on what she is doing. I will not let it happen to Evan.


Author's Notes:

Evan is in an unfamiliar place, and someone has found him! He traveled from 1983 to 2023.

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