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      Ever since that night me and the Davis's have been growing closer. The initial nervousness I used to feel around them is gone now. I have been spending more and more time with them, as well as Zoey and Cole from school. I have even managed to tell them more about me. I told them how daddy from back home was great with engineering. I also told them about Lizzy and all the times I spent playing with her. They looked empathetic and sad saying they would have loved to meet her. It's so hard to believe I have been with them for 6-months now.

      Fredbear has been happy to. She has spent so long trying to keep me safe it feels like she hasn't had any time to enjoy herself. I know she has been through a lot, hopefully it all stays this way. It feels like any minute things could go crashing down! As if things have been going too perfect.

      But even through all this joy, something is still bothering me. How does daddy's brand exist here? I knew they mentioned something about a game, but it still doesn't make any sense. I know that Oliv- mommy and daddy won't tell me what it is due to my reaction earlier. I don't think Leo or Emily would either due to their protectiveness. Which leaves Mia as the only one who I can go to. While she is also protective of me, she is more daring and would be more understanding. She is right now playing in the living room with her toys. She smiles as I sit down.

      "Evan you're just in time, we have to stop the evil monster from destroying the village!" She rams the toy zombie in her hands into the block house she built. I smile as I pick up a toy and play as well.

      "Actually, I have a favor to ask. After we're done here, I would like you to show more about the Freddy Fazbear brand." She looks at me strangely for a minute, as if what I said confused her.

      "You mean Five Nights at Freddy's? Are you sure, mommy said you didn't like that stuff?"

      "I'm sure, I just need to see it."

      "If, you're sure. But what exactly do you want to see it for? I know you like Fredbear but the other characters seemed to freak you out."

      "I- it's kind of private. I kind of don't know myself." This seems to confuse her more, but she still agrees. After we finish playing, I go to wait in Mia's room as she goes to ask Emily if we can use her computer. Sure enough Emily comes in, setting the computer up for us on a desk in the corner of the room. She tells us to have fun as she goes back to her room. It still amazes me how much technology is in this world. I was confused as to why many people were holding weird things in their hands. I asked mommy and she said they are called smart phones. Smart phones and computers are still hard to get used to. But I am feeling more comfortable with it.

      "Which one do you want to play! Fnaf 1 or one of the later ones?!" I am at a loss for words as I think about what she said. It seems people are calling daddy's brand Five Nights at Freddy's or Fnaf. I still haven't been able to tell why yet.

      "Uhhh. One I guess." Suddenly she clicks on a window on the computer. First it shows a dark screen with a warning about Jump scares. Then suddenly on screen there is a picture of Freddy Fazbear, with the screen all staticky. The moment his picture pops up on screen I have to stop myself from jumping back. Mia then clicks new game, as text with the words Night one appears on screen.

      This is going to be an interesting few hours.


      THIS IS NOT FUN!!! We have been playing different games for hours. At first, I tried to play them, trying to remain calm like in my Nightmares. But after the first jump scare on screen Mia volunteered to take over when she saw I was hyperventilating and crying. After getting through the first 2 games, we took a break it was within that time I saw something that made my heart stop.

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