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Olivia Davis POV:

      Today is going great, me and my husband Liam are in the kitchen finishing making tonight's meal. In the living room are our three wonderful kids. Our oldest kid Leo is playing with our youngest daughter Mia. They're playing with a toy soccer ball in the living room while our oldest daughter, Emily watches. Leo and Emily are both in High School, Leo being 18 while Emily is 17. Mia is 9 years old, and she is really into sports, mainly soccer. My babies are growing up so fast!

      I frown at the thought just thinking about how Mia is our last child. If it was up to me, I would have all the children in the world, but after one dreadful visit to the doctor filled with tears my dreams were crushed. I cried for a week straight after learning of my infertility. But I am still determined to be a mother of another child again. That is why me and Liam have registered for adoption services, we have been waiting for over a year now, but we are not getting any response yet.

      "We have such a great family don't we honey." Liam smiles at me as he stirs the mash potatoes. I give him a smile.

      "I won't give it up for anything, it's moments like this I enjoy." I put my hands on his shoulders and we close our eyes and kiss. Just then my cell phone rings, a few feet away from us on the countertop. I am tempted to ignore it, but I decide to pick up. What if it is important. I sigh and walk over to it and accept the call.

      Tears fall down my face the moment I hear what the person says. I look over at Liam who rushes over to me in concern.

      "Honey what's wrong?!" I start to laugh. I feel joy course through my body as I feel like the happiest person in the world.

      "Nothing's wrong honey! In fact, I have some great news!" His expression softs and he sigh's with relief, but it quickly turns into confusion.

      "What kind of news could make you this excited?" I lean close to him and whisper in his ear what I was told on the phone. His eyes widen as he cries with me.

      "I can't believe it! We have to tell the kids!" Liam says with a laugh while we hug each other.

      "Let's wait to tell them until after we eat dinner, let's make it a surprise!" He nods as we just stare at each other already fantasizing what the next few days hold. We quickly get back to making dinner. After that we set the table and call the kids over for dinner. Once everyone is seated, we all start eating.

      "I can't wait for my soccer game tomorrow daddy! You're still driving me there, right?!" Mia shouts in her usual energetic voice. She has a big soccer game tomorrow and just like usual she is excited, and it's on a Saturday which adds to it.

      "Of course, angle, anything for you." Liam says while smiling at her. He is such a great dad, when it comes to the kids there is nothing we won't do to make them happy. Whether that be taking them to soccer games or staying up late at night to help them work on homework, he is always there. And he always loves every second of it.

      "So, what were you talking about in the kitchen? We saw you talking, is everything ok mom?" Leo is always worried about us. When something is wrong, he won't stop until he finds out, it always makes me so proud of him!

      "Nothing is wrong honey; in fact, we have some exciting news! I just got off the phone with adoption services and that just approved us!" Leo and Emilys goes go wide and surprised. Mia is jumping up and down in her chair at the news.

      "Are they going to be the same age as me mommy?! It will be so much fun!" I give her a smile.

      "We don't know yet sweetie, we will review our options and then make our decision." When I signed up for adoption, I also planned to go for someone younger. But if I see someone like Leo or Emilys ago who's in dire need of a home and if I feel it in my heart, I won't turn them down.

      "Are you serious mom, I'm overjoyed!" Leo shouts as the extent of my words sink in. Emily is smiling in her seat as a few tears fall.

      "I'm going to be an older sister! And even if they are the same game as me it will still be fun to have another person join our family!" We all share a family group hug as tears of joy are shared between all of us. Luckily Mia's soccer game is early in the morning, so after that we can head to the adoption place right away! Once there they will show us the different files on who we can adopt, and then within the next few weeks it should be finalized!

      I can't wait for tomorrow!


Author's Notes:

The Davis are overjoyed and thrilled at the news they just received. How will it go once they go over to the adoption center and see the file of a familiar child? Ps this takes place a year after the last chapter.

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