Nightmares return

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Evan's Pov:

      As I finish checking the closet I hear running coming from the hallway. I rush to the door and just as I am about to put my hand on the handle, the door flies open. I close my eyes, tears running down my face as I wait for the end. But it doesn't happen. Opening my eyes, I see Michael holding the door shut, with the look of pure terror on his face. He's here? Did he come... to help me?

      "Evan! Thank god...... I'm sorry if I scared you when I came in. I just had to be sure that you were ok!"

      "You came.... Thank you, Mikey."

      "I promised, from now on I am going to take care of you. Now what can I do to help?" I rush over to my bed stand, as I do I shine the light on the two Freddles on my bed. Once they are gone, I grab another flashlight in the drawer. The Davis's put it there in case the first one's batteries died. It was supposed to be unused in case the power was out, but they would never have thought it would be for this....

      I hand the flashlight to Michael. Taking it, he opens the door slightly to check the hallway for any Nightmares. As he shines the light Nightmare Bonnie ducks his head behind the hallway wall.

      "We have to survive until 6. They can come from the hallway, the closet, and even the bed."

      "Ok, don't worry we'll make it. Go hide somewhere safe. I'll make sure they don't hurt you."

      "No! I know how they work. I can help." Running over to the closet, Nightmare Foxy is now crouching. Quickly I shut the closet door for a few seconds returning him to his first phase. Looking over at Michael, I can see his face filled with worry and objection.

      "But I'm your big brother, it's my job to keep you safe."

      "I know, but you need me. I know their patterns." Before Michael can object farther, he hears breathing coming from the door. Closing it he sighs and looks at me. He knows that I will not just hide. Just like all the other times I had nightmares, we need to just hold out until 6. They're not getting into this room!

      As an hour goes by, I notice that even though they should be at night 1 difficulty, they are more aggressive. It's only Monday night, and Nightmare Foxy doesn't come until the second night. How are they doing this?

      The time ticks by slowly, I look at the clock and notice that it is only 3 am. Even though there is only one door to manage, it's still just as difficult. Now they are just focusing all their might onto it, and with us having to manage Foxy and the Freddles, it makes it a painstaking task. As I go to the closet door, I see Nightmare Foxy is at his last stage. I close the door just as he takes a leap at me. Michael rushes over to me worried, as he helps me hold the closet door shut.

      Check the bed!

      My eyes widen as I turn around and see three Freddles on the bed. Shining my light on them, they go away. Thanks, Fredbear, that was close. 
      There is something wrong with this. They're stronger than normal, be safe my friend. 

Leo's POV:

      As I wake up, I look at the time and see it's 5:40 am. That's weird. I usually don't wake up until 7. I guess my internal clock is broken, because of the stress from Michael showing up. Just as I am about to lay back down in bed, I hear the faint sound of a door closing out in the hallway. What the hell, who could be up this early? Wait..... Ohhh no... Instantly I get out of bed and open the door to the hallway.

      I remember back to the first few weeks when Evan arrived. At night he was scared that his nightmares would get him, so he would check around his room and the hallway. But after a while we were able to reassure him that he was safe here. At least I thought. Could Michael, being here, have brought back that routine? Evan was just getting better, to have Michael come here and ruin it.... I'll have a few choice words with him later if that's the case.

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