Meeting Evan

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Evan's POV:

      Today started out like any other day. After staying up the whole night making sure nothing tried to sneak into my room. Then at 6 am I went back into bed like I was there the whole time. That way the people who I am staying with won't worry, but even if they knew what I am afraid of they wouldn't believe me. Mommy was gone before the nightmares happened, she left before that. When I tried to tell daddy he just looked away from me, and he got really serious. He told me that they wouldn't hurt me, and that he would fix them. But they continued anyway. I even tried to tell Michael, but I already knew what his reaction would be.

      You're seriously scared by some stupid dreams! HA! You're such a baby!

      No matter how hard I try not to let his words get to me, they will forever be something I will remember. Michael.

      Currently I am at the adoption agency. Social workers picked me up this morning telling me that someone was adopting me. This made me nervous to no end. Staying in foster homes was not comfortable either, but adoption. What if they don't like me! At best they'll probably be like daddy and just ignore me, but like anything in life they could be much worse.

      "This is unfamiliar territory, I do not like this. Don't worry no matter what happens I will be here with you."

      "Thanks, Fredbear! You're the only one I have!" The door to the room opens and a social worker walks in. He smiles as he holds the door open.

      "Evan, the Davis's are here. They're really excited to meet you!" my body immediately goes numb as I freeze with terror. They're here, this is the moment where my new life begins. I feel myself hyperventilating as I clutch Fredbear tighter.

      What am I going to do Fredbear! I'm scared!

      "You have to be strong. I know you can do it, just like back in the dinner when you had to be around them. You can do this."

      I'll try Fredbear.

      The social worker meanwhile looks at me sympathetically and he puts a hand on my shoulder which makes me flinch.

      "Don't worry, it is going to be ok. Want me to hold your hand?" I reluctantly nod and we both go through the door.


Olivia's POV:

      It has been a week since we signed the adoption papers, and the waiting was the most painful part. But the excitement of preparing balanced it out enough to make it bearable. Regardless of that, it has all led up to this moment. I hold my breath in anticipation as the social worker leaves the room to get Evan. The rest of my family is in pretty much the same shape, except for Mia who is bouncing around the room with excitement.

      I take a deep breath as the door opens again, and the social worker comes out. I feel joy rush through me as I see the small figure holding his hand. Evan Afton, the boy from the file. I feel my heart beat a mile a minute as I look into his eyes.

      I can tell that he is nervous by the look of panic in his eyes. The poor kid, he must be so scared, meeting us for the first time! I smile at him as he lets go of the social worker's hand and takes a step towards us. Mia runs up to him, at lightning speed.

      "Hi Evan! I'm Mia! Mommy told me that you're going to be our new brother, do you like to play soccer?!" Mia talks a mile a minute while hopping in place. Evan jumps back the moment she got close and quickly runs to hide behind the couch in the room. Mia tilts her head in confusion and starts to walk to where Evan is hiding, but I grab her hand gently.

      "Mia, I know that you are excited to meet your new brother. But Evan needs time to adjust to us." Mia frowns but nods as she takes a step back. Me and Liam then walk to the couch, when we get closer, we hear sobbing. His file must be accurate in the fact that he had a hard life if he had this strong of a reaction. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. I now have reached Evan; he is currently holding his bear to his chest while crying. I kneel down to his level and give him a warm smile.

      "Hi there Evan, my name is Olivia, and this is my husband Liam. We have been waiting to meet you for a week now." He looks up at us slowly, he looks at us unsure.

      "Over there are our kids Mia, Emily, and Leo. They are very excited to meet you. We want you to be part of our family." Evan climbs onto the couch and takes a quick peek to look at the kids. Leo and Emily give him a warm smile and wave, while Mia is willing herself not to run over and see him.

      "If you're ready, would you like to go over and meet them?" I move my hand to his head and brush his dark brown hair. Liam gives me a disapproving look. I know what he is thinking, he thinks that Evan is not ready yet. But I don't care! He is ours now and I will be a mother to him!

      Evan flinches when I touch his hair, but he looks less jumpy around me. After a minute he nods which makes my smile grow. Me and Liam take each of his hands and lead him over to Emily, Leo, and Mia.

      Mia is about to rush up to Evan but Emily places a comforting hand on her shoulder, and she lets out a sigh and stays in place. Me and Liam let go of Evens hands, as he stares at everyone.

      "I'm Emily, we have been so excited to meet you! We are thrilled to have you be a part of our family Evan!" Evan looks down at the floor nervously.

      "Thank you" His voice is barely audible, but from what I hear it has a tiny British sound to it. In the file it said that he was born in America, and that he has been reported to have said his dad has a British origin. I don't care about things like that though, I will still love him.

      "Hi Evan! It's exciting to have another person my age to play with! We are going to have so much fun!" Mia is jumping up and down as she smiles at him. Evan looks at Mia, strangely. It kind of looks like a hint of sadness. My thoughts are interrupted though when Leo kneels down to say hi to Evan.

      "Hey there buddy I'm Leo! I'm going to be your new big-" Evan's eyes widen and he dashes behind me and Liam. Leo is dumbstruck by Evans reaction, but he still maintains his smile.

      "I understand that this is hard for you. But don't worry we will all be here for you."

      "Ok buddy ready to head to your new home?" Liam says as he turns to face Evan. He slowly nods and we all smile. Leaving the adoption center, we get back into the car and start heading home. With our new exciting addition to the family.


Author's Notes:

Happy Easter everyone!

Evan has met the Davis family and is now heading to his new home. But he is still incredibly nervous around them, especially Leo. Why is that?

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