First day

13 1 1

Evan's POV:

      The room is about the same size as my old room. But the closet is at the side of the room instead of at the front, and besides that there is only one door unlike in my nightmare. That's good, it will make the nights less stressful. Instead of having to keep an eye on both doors and the closet as well as checking the bed for Freddles, now I have one less door to worry about. I go over to the bed and set Fredbear down, after that I begin to search all the drawers in order to find a flashlight. My heart drops seeing that they are completely empty! If I can't find a flashlight they will come back, I just know it!

      Despite checking the rest of the room, I am unable to find a single flashlight. I'm going to have to check downstairs, there is a better chance of finding one down there. I slowly make my way downstairs; I see that Olivia and Liam are in the kitchen while the kids are in the living room. I take a deep breath and try to not draw attention to myself, but they notice me the moment I enter the room.

      "Hi buddy, want to join us?" I freeze, turning I see Leo sitting on the couch with Emily and Mia, watching tv. I feel fear and anxiety course through my body, Leo smiles at me patiently as he waits for an answer.

      "Maybe later, I just need to find something first." Leo gets off the couch and approaches me, I take a step back.

      "I can help you find it. So, what do you need?"

      "Uhh, a flashlight." I say shakenly. Leo looks surprised for a second but quickly smiles.

      "Sure, right over here." he leads me to the kitchen, where I see Olivia and Liam preparing lunch. Leo goes over to a drawer and starts to look through it, a minute later he produces a small blue flashlight.

      "There you go. Let me know if you need anything else."


      "Do you want to watch some cartoons with us? We are having a great time and would love to have you join us." he says it with such genuine compassion that it confuses me. He was saying that he is my new big brother. But if that's the case he would act mean to me, right? I consider his offer for a minute before finally making my decision.

      "Ok, as long as you don't mind."

      "Don't mind? We would be thrilled to have you with us!" Leo says with enthusiasm.

      "I just need to put this in my room. I'll be right back." he nods as I walk up the stairs. I get to my room and deposit the flashlight in the drawer. Now that I am prepared for nighttime, I relax a little bit. I wonder what they are watching downstairs, I doubt they have Fredbear and Friends here. I start making my way to the stairs.


Leo's POV:

      When Evan asked for a flashlight, I was a little confused. But then it occurred to me he may want it in case of a thunderstorm and the power goes out. I remember when I was his age, seeing a power outage was never fun. I still remember begging mom and dad to let me sleep with them because of my night light not working, and them easily agreeing. It brought me joy to see the look on Evan's face when I handed it to him. He had the biggest smile, and I could tell he became less tense. And the best part is that he agreed to join us for some cartoons! He seems nervous around us, especially me, I can tell by his body language. He looks at me with fear every time I talk to him, but I know that he is probably just getting used to me. But I still question why he is nervous the most around me out of everyone else.

      I also wonder why he values a flashlight so much. Seriously when I first handed it to him, he held it in a death grip, I was starting to become concerned that it would hurt his hands. I refrained from saying anything however, because I didn't want to scare him away after finally getting a real interaction from him. The only other item I see him that attached to is his Golden Freddy plushie. At least I think it is Golden Freddy, sometime I will get into the series but as of now Mia is the one with the most knowledge on it.

      I hear Evan coming back downstairs and I stop my train of thought. He looks nervous, as he slowly makes his way over to me. I smile and lead him back to the couch where the others are. Everyone is just as excited as I am to have Evan join us, this can be our first activity as a family!

      "Want to sit by me?! You got here just in time another episode is about to start!" Mia says as she makes room for Evan. Evan slowly sits down as I turn the channel to the right one. We spent the next hour watching cartoons. Evan seems to become slightly more relaxed as the hour goes by, but I notice him drifting off to sleep throughout the show. The report mentioned him taking naps throughout the day, we will have to keep an eye on it. After we finish with the episode, we then begin to play a board game for the rest of the evening, mom and dad join in as well. Evan doesn't talk much during this time, but I can tell that this is helping him get adjusted. And every once and awhile it looked as if he was having fun.

      When dinner comes, mom seems interested in talking to Evan in order to learn more about him. At first, it's just his likes and dislikes and if he has any allergies. But then it starts to devolve into stuff about his past. I can tell dad doesn't want to delve into the subject yet, in order to make it easier for Evan to adjust. But mom ignores his hints.

      "How did you first end up in the park? Since it seems very irresponsible for your old parents to just leave you there." I can tell what mom is hinting at. She thinks what everyone else is thinking, that Evan was dropped off there by his old parents, so they didn't have to take care of him. Evan looks at his food as he struggles to come up with an answer. I am about to say something, but Emily beats me to it.

      "Uhh mom, I think Evan has had a very tiring day. Maybe it would be better if you had this confrontation later." Mom looks over at Emily a little annoyed, but she slowly nods. The rest of the meal goes by relatively eventless. When the time comes to go to bed mom helps Mia get ready while dad helps Evan. Me and Emily meanwhile finish brushing our teeth and changing into our pajamas. I hope Evan sleeps well, he deserves to have a good night's sleep. 


Author's Notes:

Evan has just experienced his first day in his new home, but he is still afraid that the Nightmares are out there! 

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