No leads

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Officer Mikes POV:

      It has been a week now since the blood sample was sent in for analysis. In the meantime, Evan was sent to foster care until we can track down any relatives. Right now I am at the station in the break room, eating my lunch that I have brought from home. I see Luke from forensics come into the room holding notes.

      "Mike, we have the results back for Evan Afton." I smile and walk over to him.

      "Great, have you located his family, and where he lives?"

      "No, we have not been able to find any relatives. The DNA is not even in the system, it is a very peculiar case." I frown as I look at his notes, true enough his DNA has no matches. We checked the system and ran a DNA test on the kid, all of it came up a dead end. This case is going cold, in my 5 years as a police officer I have seen kids with missing parents and what happens to them. If no leads turn up Evan will probably stay in foster care until he is legally allowed to go up for adoption. I already feel sympathy just thinking about it. That poor kid.


Evan's POV:

      The house they sent me to has left me feeling uneasy. They said I would only be here for a few days until they tracked down my family, but I already know that isn't going to happen. The person they sent me to is an older woman, she lives all alone in this house, and she doesn't talk much. Unlike daddy she is still around the house, but she just does her own thing, and she seems quite awkward around people. Not that I am not used to the feeling of being without adult supervision. Daddy was always working even at home, when it came time for breakfast, lunch, or dinner daddy would always just leave stuff sitting out or in the fridge just needing to be warmed up. The situation is similar here with her just leaving a plate filled with hot food on the table.

      I wonder what will happen to me, will they just keep me here or move me somewhere else? Tears fall down my face just thinking about the uncertainty of my situation.

      "No matter what happens I will keep you safe. Do not worry."

      "Thank you Fredbear, I don't know what I would do without you!"

      It is almost nighttime, my least favorite time of the day!

      "Do not worry, the Nightmares are not going to harm you." I look at Fredbear from the bed. Ever since what happened to Lizzy, I have been having recurring nightmares. In them the animatronics from daddy's job look all twisted and scary! They always try to get into my room! After I was bitten the nightmares became more realistic, it felt like I was actually awake during them!

      I found a flashlight in one of the drawers here, I hide it under my pillow for when night comes. I go over to the bed and retrieve the flashlight as I quickly flick it on and begin my search. Ever since I got here, I haven't had any realistic nightmares, but when I take naps during the day, I still see them in my dreams.

      "You need your sleep, go back to bed. They can't harm you now that you are healed."

      "I can't, I'm scared Fredbear! They're going to get me!" I shake as the flashlight stumbles in my hands. I have to check; they will get me! I quickly scan the closet.


      I quickly run over and fling the closet door open. But I sigh in relief when all I see is just clothes hanging up.

      "You can't go on like this. You need sleep."

      "I'm sorry Fredbear, but I can't. What if they are out there?! Besides, I take naps during, the day."

      "That is not enough." I hang my head as I know that what she says is true, but I can't risk it. I can't let them get in! I have to keep searching!


Officer Mikes POV:

      I pull up in front of the house, scanning the address to make sure I got it right. It will break my heart to have to tell the kid that we couldn't find his parents. The case has gone cold and the only hope we have is if the parents come to pick Evan up. But the hope for that is slim. I step out of the police car and walk to the door of the house. I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later the woman we left Evan with opens the door.

      "Hello miss, I am the police officer working on Evan's case."

      "Hi there, my name is Amanda. I'm guessing you're here to take Evan back to his parents?"

      "I'm sorry to say that we haven't been able to find them yet." I look solemnly at the ground. Amanda looks a little nervous as her eyes shift to the side.

      "O I am sorry to hear that, did you find any leads or anything?"

      "No, the trail is coming up completely blank. I personally think it was a case of abandonment, the rotten parents probably left him at that park. But that's just what I am getting out of it. Anyway, do you want to tell him, or should I?" It is a delicate manner, no matter who tells him will have to do it carefully. The poor kid has already been through so much, being sent to an unfamiliar place with people he doesn't even know.

      "Evan's on the couch resting, he does that often throughout the day. Could you maybe tell him, I'm not really that good with that sort of thing." I nod as she lets me in. Sure, enough on the couch is Evan holding the plushie to his chest. Why the hell would the kid be sleeping so much, if what Amanda said was true then this must be a recurring thing. He probably isn't sleeping well at night due to what he has been through. I walk over to him slowly so as to not startle him. When I get closer, I notice bags under his eyes.

      "Evan." I say gently enough to wake him up. To my surprise his eyes fly open as he jumps backwards but he reflexes a little once he recognizes me.

      "Sorry to startle you, I just came here to talk to you. What I have to say is going to be hard to hear, but don't worry everything is going to be alright." Evan looks at me with interest.

      "I'm sorry buddy, but we couldn't locate your parents. But don't worry you will be safe until they either come back or until we find you a proper home." He buries his head in his arms and starts crying, I feel guilt having to tell him this. I give him a hug as his sobbing grows quieter.

      "Thanks" Evan says quietly as he looks down at the ground. Something like that is never easy to hear, I hope everything turns out ok for him. I walk back over to Amanda; she is pacing around nervously in her kitchen.

      "I'm sorry, but I can't really let him stay for long. I can at least keep him here for a few more weeks but that's about it." I sigh and nod. That means Evan will be moved again to a different foster house. Hopefully one that can let him stay longer, it is not good for a child to be constantly changing environments.

      "I really wish I could let him stay longer but I can't, I just am not cut out for being a parent."

      "I understand"

      "Find him a good home, please. He's a great kid." As Amanda says this, I look back at Evan who has now fallen back asleep on the couch, with his plushie against his chest.

      "I promise, I will make sure of it."


Author's Notes:

The next chapter will be a time skip of exactly one year. We will be seeing some new characters as well in the next chapter. They will soon cross paths with Evan.

Also, in my story the Nightmares animatronics are dreams that Evan has, and that they are caused by the atrocities that William commits. Then once Evan was bit, will in the hospital he lived through his nightmares, which is Fnaf 4.

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