Weekend fun

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Evan's POV:

      The weekend has come, I nervously look at the clock knowing that any moment Zoey and Cole would arrive. Mia meanwhile is in the living room, bringing out any toys and other games we can play. Everyone else is off doing their own thing with Oliva and Liam in the kitchen, and Leo and Emily are in their rooms. I have been thinking about this day all week, hoping that it would go well. I can tell the family wants to go well; I can see their nervousness. Mia looks confident however, but I am not surprised, that just another similarity she has to Lizzy.

      My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock at the door. Slowly walking forward, I open it. Standing at the door is Zoey and Cole, with them are their parents. After their parents introduce themselves, Zoey and Cole rush through the door.

      "This is so exciting; I can't believe the day is finally here!" Cole says in his usual energetic voice. Zoey is equally excited as she spots all the toys and games in the living room. Cole rushes to join her as he starts to dig through the pile of toys and games.

      "Yes, than- thanks again for coming over." I say with a slight stutter. While I feel extremely nervous, I also feel happy at the thought of having a real play date with other kids. It's not like back in my world where the kids around my neighborhood were just doing it to be just to be polite. Everyone here seems genuinely excited.


Leo's POV:

      As I walk down the stairs I can already hear laughing. Looking towards the living room I see Evan and Mia's and their friends playing. Evan has a genuine smile on his face, the sight of which warms my heart. Hopefully now that he is playing with other kids his age, it will be a more common sight. Walking over to the fridge I grab a drink, but before I go upstairs, I look over at mom and dad. They have taken a break from making lunch and there quietly observing the kids playing, I can tell they are just as overjoyed as I am.

      "He's having fun. They all are, I could watch this all day."

      "Ya, it feels great to see Evan being able to relax. He's been through a lot." I say to dad. We all know that whatever happened, was traumatizing for Evan. It all shows in his behavior.

      "That reminds me. After this is over, we plan to talk to Evan about what he experienced. That way we can finally get an understanding of what he went through." I knew that this was coming eventually. Mom and dad have been talking about doing this after Evan got settled in and everything. I just wish it didn't have to be today, after seeing him so happy. But the longer we leave it unresolved the more of a problem it will become. Even though he has been happier recently, I can still see when he is thinking about the past. Sometimes he just stares off, mom and dad say it has to do with ptsd. Whenever we approach Evan, it will have to be sensitive and patient with it.

      Walking up the stairs I glance back at Evan. I know that he is still nervous around me, but we are making progress. That smile on his face is enough to tell that.


Evan's POV:

      It has been ages since I felt this way. To play with other kids my age and be able to relax around them. I haven't felt this way since Lizzy- I feel my blood run cold at the thought. Mia has many characteristics that reminded me of Lizzy. Her energetic nature, and her niceness. I missed having a sister, the thought of which brings a tear to my eyes. But I quickly try to get back to playing. I know I will never be able to forget what happened, but I finally have an opportunity to act like a regular kid my age and have fun.

      Fredbear is on the couch, I can tell that she is happy for me. But I can still see it in her eyes, that she is still on high alert searching for any threats. She is still puzzled by the existence of the Fazbear brand. But she hasn't felt the presence of the Nightmares yet, which I am thankful for. Oliva and Liam have been monitoring my sleep ever since Emily found me wake, slowly they have been getting me to go to sleep at regular times. The thought still terrifies me of being asleep and having one of the Nightmares at my bedside ready to pounce! But with Fredbear's reassurance and Oliva and Liam's compassion, I have been able to put that thought aside.

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