At the station

18 1 4

   I am retconning, that Fnaf doesn't exist in this universe. The world he has been transported to is now identical to our world.


Evan's POV:

      We have been walking for 10 minutes now, the whole time she has just been holding my hand and asking me questions about where I live. Up ahead I see a police station, the police cars out front look very different from the ones from my world.

      She leads me into the building, in the front there is a desk with a police officer working at the desk. She smiles when she sees us approaching.

      "Hello there, what may I help you two today?" She says nicely.

      "I found this kid in the park all by himself. He told me that his name is Evan and that he was all by himself there." The officer quickly starts typing things on her computer.

      "It was very good of you to bring him. Can we ask you a few questions before you leave?"

      "Yes of course." The officer nods at the women.

      "Mike. We have a kid who was all alone in the park, please take him to your desk so we can identify him." The officer shouts further into the station. An officer in his late 20's comes to the front and smiles.

      "Hi there, please come with me. Don't worry we'll find your parents."

      "Be careful with how you answer them." Fredbear says.


 Officer Mikes POV:

      Today is a normal day, working in this medium sized town has its ups and downs. There is a fair share of import cases in which you don't find in many small towns, but the department isn't overflowing with them either like major cities. After being in the force for 5 years I am finally getting assigned important cases.

      Right now, I am enjoying some coffee while going over some paperwork. I look up from my work once I hear Sarah calling my name.

      "Mike. We have a kid who was all alone in the park, please take him to your desk so we can identify him." A kid wandering alone in the park. I would usually say that he probably wandered off from his parents but from the sounds of it, he was there by himself the whole time. The parents probably let the kid go to the park by himself, if that is the case then all they have to do is find out the address and give the parents a warning.

      I come up front, the kid looks to be about 7 years old. He is wearing a black short sleeve shirt with 2 gray stripes. The most noticeable distinguishing thing about his appearance is the scars lining his forehead. I notice by the red outline around his eyes that he has been crying, with his only bit of comfort being the stuffed bear he is holding close to his chest. Just from first glancing at the bear, I immediately recognized it. With the signature top hat and yellow body, I immediately could tell that it was a Fredbear Plushie. So, this kid must be a fan of the video game series Five Nights at Freddys. I am a massive video game fan; I don't know too much about the lore, but I have played all the games up until Sister Location.

      "Hi there, please come with me. Don't worry we'll find your parents." He looks at me shyly and follows me. I take him to my desk and start up my computer, and I pull up citizen records.

      "Ok to start this off, can you please tell me your name."

      "Evan Afton." I type his name down in the records but nobody matching his name or description comes up.

      "Do you come from here, or know where your address is?" He shakes his head.

      "I'm not from here, but I do know my address." I hand him a piece of paper to write it down and I copy it into the system, but nothing comes up. Now I am starting to grow concerned about this case, nothing is matching for him, usually we would at least be able to find a profile of him, but I am coming up with nothing.


Evan's POV:

      He has been asking me different questions for over an hour. Arranging from my home address to my parent's identities. But it is not doing them any good.

      "They will not find anything. We are not from here." Deep down I already know this, I look at Fredbear my last bit of comfort left. Daddy gave her to me over a year ago and ever since then we have been inseparable.

      "The next thing we are going to be doing is probably going to make you a little nervous, but don't worry it will be over in a second. I need to get a blood sample, but don't worry it will barely even sting." I feel my body freeze the moment he says this, I take a deep breath. I am not a fan of shots but they're usually quick.

      He takes me over to a medical area and disinfects the area in which he will stick the needle. He tells me to look away when he does it. I look at Fredbear as I feel the needle enter my body, I gasp. After a few seconds he removes the needle, which is now filled with my blood.

      "There we go, I made it as fast as possible. This is going to take some time so we will have somewhere safe for you to stay at while we analyze it." I see him go over to a jar and pull out a small lollipop, he smiles and hands it to me.

      "This is for being such a good patient, let me know if you feel dizzy at all. I'll be back once I get this over to be analyzed."

Author's Notes:

Evan is at the station but so far, they are finding nothing on him. What will happen once they discover that there are no leads on him? The police officer played all the games up until Sister Loction, that way he knew about Fnaf but didn't know anything about the name Afton. 

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