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"I am here to support you but I disagree with this entire plan." Jessie said, following Aquarella as they swum past the gates of Wakanda without being seen, obviously. "This was literally your plan!" Aquarella retorted. Jessie rolled his eyes, "No, my plan was to talk to her! Not sneak out behind your mother's back, then sneak into Wakanda, force me to come with you just to talk to the fucking princess who's probably asleep!" Jessie exclaimed.

"I did not force you and saying it out loud makes it sound bad!" Aquarella shot back in offense, swimming faster so Jessie had to quickly catch up with her. "Because it is bad!" Jessie replied, finally stopping when she did. They both transformed back into their human form and peeked their heads out of the water. "Holy fishsticks, the air is like...I can't explain it. It's like having an air orgasm, wait no that sounds wrong." Jessie mumbled to himself.

Aquarella shook her head in amusement and walked out of the water, Jessie following her and looking around in shock. He had only been to the surface twice and each time, it was like a whole other experience. "Come on, I know a short cut to the palace." Rella said, taking Jessie's hand and dragging him with her.

"Do you even know where her room is?" Jessie asked as they came up the palace, hiding behind a bush so the Dora Milaje wouldn't spot them. "Sort of. I have the entire map of the palace from my mom's bracelet and transferred it to mine. I'm pretty sure the princess's chambers are right here. I just have to figure out how to get in." Rella mumbled. Jessie looked at her in shock, "Chambers? I have to share a room with my stupid little brother and she gots chambers?!" Jessie exclaimed and Rella quickly shushed him.

"She's literally a princess, what did you expect?" Rella deadpanned.

"Right. Okay but how about you hack into your mom's bracelet, and pretend to be your mom?" Jessie suggested. "And say what?"

"I don't know, uhm fuck probably just say that you need to speak with her privately without anyone present." Jessie said. Aquarella pursed her lips, liking the idea. She quickly hacked into her mom's bracelet, connecting it with hers, she shot a text to Shuri.

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