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"There are more people coming from the city." The leader of the mining tribe said.

"They need more space." Another elder spoke.

"So what? You are visitors. It is a wonder how anything gets done with you people." M'Baku complained.

"Well, well, well, y'all argue more than my parents on holidays," Aquarella spoke up with a chuckle, walking through the crowd of people.

"The siren princess." Aquarella heard people whisper in shock and she rolled her eyes. Everyone turned to look at her as she leaned on one of the pillars. Jessie entered the room, a juice box in his hand as he leaned against the wall, slighly behind Aquarella. Mostly everyone was on their guard, not sure if she and Jessie was a threat to them or not.

"What are you doing here, fishsticks?" M'Baku asked with a bored tone. He was informed of her a while ago and didn't think much of her as a threat. She was way smaller than him so he thought he could easily take her on. She was just an inch taller than Shuri and carried herself with pride but a bit of an ego. He knew Jessie wasn't much of a threat just by seeing the male siren sipping on a juice box.

"Okay, why does everyone keep calling us that? We're not fish." Soulina frowned in offense, tossing a chip in her mouth. She discovered she loved chips a lot when Riri introduced her to them. She mainly loved the hot ones. Just as Jessie loved his juice boxes. She didn't even know how many he had drunk already but was sure it was an unhealthy amount of the sugary liquid.

Before M'Baku could speak he looked up hearing a noise and noticed one of the ships. A small hole opened in it and a person fell from it, landing on the snowy ground with ease. Aquarella smirked and shook her head, "Little show off. Couldn't wait another minute for me to introduce myself." She scoffed lightly with a slight eye roll.

The helmet came off automatically from the person who was looking aroumd and revealed, Shuri, the Princess of Wakanda.

"The Princess!"

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