Chapter XX

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"Thank you! To the both of you. I promise I won't forget who I am. My past was already made but now I create my own future!" A lone tear escaped his eye.

"And also, I am not alone. I have the people who love and care for me. That's why I'll make every moment count."

Ahhhhh there it is that beautiful smile.

"Ehe." He hugged both me and Lan An together as he laughed wholeheartedly.

"You told me to be respectful didn't you? Hahaha" I laughed with him.

"SiZhui." We all looked at the direction where the voice was coming from.


Present Time

Huh, father? Who?


XiaoYu turned towards the voice as SiZhui ran towards the man who called him.

"You're crying. Are you hurt anywhere?" He hugged the other as the man wiped the tears from his eyes.

"No. I'm fine father. Senior W- XiaoYu was there for me." SiZhui smiled brightly.

"Oho! I never thought Lan Er-Gongzi would be the father type. Haha." XiaoYu laughed lightly -not mocking in anyway- as he looked at the father and son duo.

Lan WangJi smiled a small nostalgic smile.

"Someone..." He looked at XiaoYu

"Special opened up my mind to the concept of family..." He patted SiZhui's head.

"Well thank goodness for that person."

"Yes. I am thankful to him."

"It suits you." XiaoYu smiled. Lan WangJi's stare never left the man in front of him.

Lan An was silently observing the three from his place.

Hmm. What a lovely family this could have been.

And may it still be in the future...

"XiaoYu! Thank goodness you're okay." SongLan broke the serene atmosphere as he fussed over XiaoYu and hugged him tightly.

"Song Lan, no need to worry so much. I'm fine." He patted the other's back.

"H-h-h-hanGuang-Jun!" JingYi stuttered.

"A-a-a ghost! There's a ghost!" He pointed at the man by the table.

Everyone's attention went to said ghost.

"Oh! That's Lan An." XiaoYu smiled.

"Greetings, founder Lan An. It is a pleasure to meet you." Lan WangJi kowtowed low.

"Aya. Lan WangJi- the great HanGuang-Jun. The pleasure is all mine." Lan An returned the greeting with a huge smile on his face.

"H-h-how? Founder LAN AN?!" JingYi kept looking back and forth between XiaoYu and Lan An.

In a panic he kneeled and bowed down getting wet in the process as he splashed on the pool of freezing water.

"Cough cough." He choked.

"JingYi!" SiZhui went and helped him up as XiaoYu bursted out laughing.

"Hahahahaha! Karma's a bitch ey!" His melodious laugh bounced off the walls of the cave.

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