11. The Hospital

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Harry Pov

I arrive at the hospital with Lottie. Luke comes out of the ambulance and gets us out too. "You can't join Louis right away, sorry. But you can stay in the waiting room and maybe join him tonight, but don't count on him being awake" Luke says. "It's already great to see him. I still can't really think that he was really abused by his own stepfather. No way..." I say. "I know, I really don't know Dad that way. He's never hurt anyone. At least not when I'm around," says Lottie. "According to Louis this has been going on for a while but it was never as hard as it is now. Usually he had a few bruises but that was it. Once he had a black eye and a bloody nose, then you were gone and he went on a date with me" I tell Lottie. "I don't get it, why does he trust you more than his sister, I know I'm still young and stuff, but he used to always tell me everything and he doesn't anymore" says Lottie with a sad face.

"Could you maybe continue this conversation inside the waiting room. Louis is already in his room and we're going to do a few tests with him in a bit," says Luke after a while of silence. "Yeah, sure" I say. We walk in and go to the reception. "Hi, I'm Harry Styles and this is Lottie Tomlinson. We've come for Louis Tomlinson and had to wait in the waiting room. Do you know where to go?" I ask. "Hi, I'm Michael Clifford, the receptionist. You have to take the elevator up to the 3rd floor. And then you have to walk forward until you see a large open space. I wish you the best of luck" Says the man behind the counter who apparently is Michael. We nod and kind of run to the elevator. We press the button. The elevator comes quickly and we go inside. I press button 3 and we go up. Soon we hear the bell ring and the doors open. We get out and keep walking until we see an open large space. Just like Michael said. We sit down and start a conversation.


After talking for an hour or two, Luke comes this way. "Hi I have good news for you guys. He's in not too bad a condition. He has a tear in his ankle. He may also have abdominal trauma but we won't know for sure until he's awake" he tells us. "What is abdominal trauma?" Lottie asks Luke. "A blunt abdominal trauma is an accident in which there has been an impact force from the outside, without having pierced the abdominal wall. This is therefore a pressure or punch from the outside," he says. Lottie nods understandably. "But the good news is you can join him. He's not awake yet but he could wake up tonight or tomorrow" Luke says. Lottie and I look at each other happily. "Only one person is allowed in at a time," he added quickly. "You go Lots, without me this wouldn't even have happened" I say to her. "But without you he wouldn't be so happy either. And then he wouldn't have anyone to go to when daddy was so fierce with him. So I think you should go," she says. "Are you sure?" I ask just to be sure. She nods and I get up. Luke takes me to Louis's room.

I open the door and slowly walk over to him. I grab a chair and sit next to him. I keep looking at him and the guilt grows. Without me he wouldn't be here at all. He looks so vulnerable. I know it just happened but still I miss talking to him, laughing and kissing him. I don't know what I would do without him. Lottie knocks on the door. I walk over and ask what's up. "Luke said I could be there too. So here I am" she says.

I nod and walk back to Louis. Lottie sits down on the other side of the bed and tears roll down her cheeks too. We look at each other and then back to Louis.

Luke re-enters the room and says, "You guys need to get out again. Louis needs a lot of rest." We nod. Lottie takes Louis's hand and squeezes it gently before she leaves. Louis and I are now left. I lean forward and kiss him on the lips. It feels weird that he's not kissing along. I give him another kiss on the forehead and then walk out of the room.

Hi how are you all? What do you think of the behavior of Louis's father?

Words: 787

All the love. -E

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