1. Louis' School

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Louis POV

I just got out of bed and have to be in school in half an hour. This is the last week that I am in this school, because my mum thought it went to far with the bullying. My bully is Andrew Garfield. I still have my two best friends, Liam and Zayn. They said they would never leave me, and now I'm leaving them. They're the hardest to leave.

I walk downstairs for food. I only saw a note on the table. Phew, my stepfather isn't home yet. I'm pretty scared of him, especially when he's drunk. That's mostly the time he's beating me up, only because I'm gay. He thinks it's unnatural. If you're a boy you have to be in love with girls, not boys. I tried with a girl named Eleanor, but it was awful. It didn't feel right.

I start reading the note "Hey boo bear, I'm already at work. Your food is in the fridge, love mum." Always my overprotective mother, making my food while I'm already 18 years old. Still, it's really sweet. I get my food and eat it. I look up at the clock and see I only have 10 minutes left. I get my bike and ride to school.

I get to school. I have 2 minutes left. I run to the classroom and see that everyone is already there. There's only one space left, next to Andrew. I sigh, and go sit down. Immediately I get pushed off my chair. The whole class is laughing except for Liam and Zayn. I get tears in my eyes when i see that even the teacher is chuckling. I run out of the classroom to the toilet.

I hear Zayn go after me. I unlock my door and look at him. "Are you okay?" He asks. "N-no," I answer. "Should i say you're sick, so you can go home?" "N-no I d-don't want that!" I cry. "Why not?! It's not good what he's doing, " He says. "I don't want him tot think I lost, " I say. "Okay, then we go back to class, but we're going to talk to the headteacher about this." "You don't have to, my mother and I have already been to him," I say. "And that's why I'm going to move to Holmes Chapel," I cry. I didn't want to tell my best friends I was leaving them. "W-wait, you're leaving Doncaster?" He says, now with tears in his eyes. I nod. He looks at me with a sad look. I look probably the same. He gets me into a hug and I hug him back tightly.

A few moments later Liam comes and sees us like this. "What's going on?" He asks confused. "Louis is leaving Doncaster, he's moving to Holmes Chapel," Zayn says. "What?!" He looks at me. I nod sadly. He goes into the hug and we stand like this for almost five minutes, maybe even longer. "Maybe we have to get back to class," Liam says. At that moment the bell goes off. We go to the lunchroom.

I go to my locker to get my lunch. I put it on my back and turn around. Then I see Andrew standing right in front of me. I want to run away but he pushed me already into the lockers. I want to get away but he's too strong. I feel a punch in my stomach. And then against my jaw. I collapse in pain. I want to scream but Andrew puts his hand over my mouth. I try to push his hand away but he's too strong. After a few punches and kicks he walks away, laughing. A few moments later, Liam and Zayn come to me. I still lay on the ground. "Should I call your mum?" Zayn asks. I nod.

Liam tries to call my mum, but she doesn't pick up. After a while, the concierge walks by, and he asks what happened. "Louis is beaten up by Andrew Garfield." Liam says. "Again?!" The guy asks. "Yes, again. Can you ask the headteacher to just suspend him because this is the 100th time this year? Louis is going to another school because he doesn't feel safe." "I'm going to ask the headteacher, you can come with me Louis," he says.

The concierge and I both walk to the office of the headteacher. When we get there the concierge knocks on the door.  "Come in." We hear from the other side of the door. The concierge pushes the door open and walks in. I look around nervously and walk scared inside. "You don't have to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you, even if you have beaten someone up, I'm not gonna hurt," the headteacher says. "Well, I think you have to suspend someone for the first time. Because this is going too far," The concierge says. "The headteacher looks confused. "How's that? I don't think Louis ever hurt anybody," the headteacher says. "It's not about Louis, but Andrew Garfield. He bullied and beat up Louis throughout the whole year." The headteacher looks at me, understanding, and says: "I'm going to look at how long he's suspended," He says. I look a bit happier but still a little scared. "I know you're gonna move so I think I would suspend him until you left this school," He says. I nod. 

I'm back with Liam and Zayn and tell them everything that happened. "But we're still going to meet, right?" Zayn asks. "Yeah of course. You didn't think I would leave you behind, right?" I laugh. Eleanor walks to us and I sigh deeply. She still thinks something can happen between us. I know I don't like girls and she knows that too. "Hey, honey," She says. I push her off of me. "What's wrong, baby? Are you mad?" She asks flirty. "Yes, I'm mad! I just got fucking beaten up and I have to move because of that, so I have to leave my best friends! AND YOU STILL THINK WE'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP WHILE YOU KNOW THAT I'M FUCKING GAY!" I scream to her. She looks with a deadly look at me, she turns around and walks bitchy away. People are looking weird at me, so I just wave them off.

I turn back to Liam and Zayn and they look wide-eyed at me. "What?" I laugh. "Since when are you confident enough to just tell Eleanor to fuck off?!" Liam says. I laugh at his reaction. "She's fucking annoying and doesn't leave me alone, so I just had to make sure that I'm gay one last time," I say. They both started laughing loud. And later we lie laughing on the floor and can't stop.

Then we hear the bell. We are done and walk to our bikes. "I'm glad I don't have to see that bastard for the next week. I wish you luck when he gets back" I tell the boys. "We'll have to live with him," says Zayn. "And Lou we s-should t-tell you something," Liam says awkwardly. "What then," I say. "We're in a relationship," Zayn says. "Really, oh, that's great. But isn't Andrew going to bully you?" I ask. "We have to live with it. And it won't be that bad." "Well, then you don't know what Andrew is like yet," I mumble.

First chapter. I hope you like it.
Words: 1217
All the love -E

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