Chapter 1

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From the outside looking in it looked like any other basketball game. Just two groups of guys having a good time playing basketball against each other for a little fun. What most of the people present didn't know was that the guy wearing the baggy clothes and stocking cap was not a guy at all. Her name is Cora Lee and she is a tall, athletic, beautiful girl with long ginger red hair and blue eyes. She's a tomboy who hates wearing skirts but does like to look pretty, except when she's playing basketball with her friend Cody.

When she plays basketball she likes to play with the guys especially her friend Cody who she has known since they were kids. When she plays with him and his friends she always hides the fact that she's a girl by wearing baggy shirts and pants. She also hides her long beautiful hair under a stocking cap.

The only one that she plays ball with that knows that she's a girl is her friend Cody. The other guys that she plays with Cody all call her Lee but that is what Cody calls her too even when she's not in disguise. She was afraid that if they all knew that she was a girl that they wouldn't let her play with them. Cora preferred playing basketball with guys because when she played with the girls in the past it wasn't challenging enough for her.

It's not that the girls aren't good at basketball. She just grew up playing with guys the whole time she was growing up in her hometown. So she is good enough at it that she can hold her own against the guys.

Cora and Cody were a few months into their freshman year of college and so far she loved it. She had already become really good friends with the girls she shared a dorm room with. One of them was even her best friend from high school. She wasn't sure how she got lucky enough that the one female friend she had growing up ended up going to the same college, not to mention that they ended up in the same dorm room and chose the same major, computer science. Cody had chosen business as his major though.

The guys on her team were all people Cody knew from the business department. The group of guys they were playing against were actually from her department, which she thought was beyond funny. One of them was even the most popular guy on campus, Nikola Evans.

Nikola was a year ahead of her and was the top one of his class. She had heard that he was a genius with computers. He was also the captain of their school basketball team. He was probably the best she had ever played against when it came to basketball.

Right now their scores were close, the other team was leading by only 4 points. Nikola stole the ball from a guy on her team and headed toward their end. Luckily Cora was able to quickly change directions and followed the ball. She caught up with Nikola quicker than they expected and took the ball from Nikola. She quickly ran toward her end and was able to get 2 points for her team.

All of the guys on the other team were in a state of shock, especially Nikola. He hadn't had someone successfully steal the ball from him in a long time. Definitely not someone from his own school before. With his team being in shock, they hadn't moved since she made the basket.

Nikola shook his head to clear it then said, "Nicely done. I haven't had anyone successfully steal the ball from me in a long time."

"Thanks", Cora smiled and looked at Cody. She could tell that Cody was holding back a laugh. She thought to herself, if he only knew that she was actually a girl. What would his reaction be then?

A little bit later the game ended and the two teams went their separate ways. Cody started to walk her back to her dorm. "That was awesome sis. The shock on their faces was the best," Cody said with a laugh.

"Can you imagine their reaction if they knew who I really am? Especially since I am a part of their department and so far the top of my class." Cora laughed.

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