Chapter 16

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Nik and Cora headed back to his house. When they got there his parents were both there to greet them. She hadn't met his dad yet because he had been at work earlier in the day.

When they came into the house his parents came to them. Mrs. Evans asked, "So how was it?"

"It was good. We had a good time. I don't think the other three enjoyed themselves as much but it was good for them," Cora told them.

Mrs. Evans introduced Cora and Mr. Evans. "This is Nik's dad. He was working earlier. Honey, this is Cora."

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." Cora was a little nervous meeting his dad, but she had been that way with his mom at first.

"Why don't you guys go up and get comfortable? Then after that you guys are free to do whatever," Mrs. Evans told them and motioned for them to go upstairs.

When Nik and Cora came back downstairs they were both wearing sweats and t-shirts. They joined his parents in the living room and spent the rest of the night hanging out and getting to know one another. It didn't take Cora long to become comfortable around his dad. He was a very kind and mellow person.

The next day everyone came over for breakfast, the guys and Nik's brothers as well. It was Saturday and his brothers were excited to meet their brother's girlfriend. Cora and Nik both helped his mom make breakfast for everyone. They made a variety of foods for everyone.

Everyone got there about the same time that the food was finished. When his brothers came in Nik introduced them. She could tell that each of the five brothers were very different from each other. But then so were their friends.

Nik's brother Johnny asked Cora after everyone sat down to eat, "So how did my idiot brother manage to land such a pretty, smart and talented girl like you?"

Cora laughed. She figured they would have questions. "Patience and determination. And he likes me for who I am even though I am way different from any other girl we know."

Josh added, "She isn't kidding. She is not your typical girl." Josh shook his head and laughed.

"Oh really? Different how?" You could hear the curiosity in Walker's voice.

Zack told the brothers, "The first time we met her we didn't even know she was a girl. How's that for different?"

Nik's four brothers looked over at Cora in unison and then back at Zack. It was Jack who asked, "How could you not know she's a girl?"

Josh looked at Cora and asked, "Would you like to show them? I am sure we can find what you would need to show them why we didn't realize that you were a girl."

Cora laughed and thought to herself, this should be interesting. "Yeah we could do that."

"So what other things about you makes you different from other girls?" Wyatt asked her.

Before she could answer Fred told them, "She plays basketball really well but she only plays with guys. She told us playing with other girls isn't challenging enough."

Next Josh told them, "For a while now she is the one who has been testing Nik's security software. She is really good."

Johnny, who also was really good with computers, asked "Wait, she's good enough with computers that she's the one that has been testing his work for him?" Johnny looked at Cora and asked her, "In all the times that you have tested his stuff for him have you been able to get in every time?"

Cora smiled, people were always shocked to learn just how good she was. "Yes. Every time." All of his brothers were in shock. They all knew how good their brother's work was. "If you want I can show you guys after breakfast. Even these guys haven't witnessed what I can do yet."

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