Chapter 9

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All nine of them (Nik, Cora, Josh, Fred, Zack, Cody, Hannah, Sarah, and Nicole) went out to dinner at a Chinese buffet that everyone loved. They all chatted, joked around and had a great time together celebrating the win.

In the next few weeks they went on to win all of their other matches until there was only the final match that would decide the winner. The other department that made it to the end was the business department. So that meant that they would be going against Cody.

Cora knew that Cody was really good at basketball but she couldn't have predicted that they would be playing against each other in the final game. She was kind of excited but at the same time sad for Cody. Normally she would root for him to win. However, this time she couldn't and wouldn't do that.

Cody was her longest friend and he's like a brother to her. But this time he would be her opponent. She had never had him as an opponent before. They had always played on the same team. She was curious to see how the game would turn out. They knew each other so well. Would that make it easier to defeat him? Or would that make it harder to defeat him? After all, he knew her as well as she knew him.

Their game was coming up tomorrow which was Friday. She was sure that pretty much the whole student body would be there. Most people would be nervous to be out in front of that many people, but strangely enough she wasn't. She had always tried to stay out of the spotlight. And she didn't want all the attention she got after winning the beauty contest.

Once Nik declared that he was going to date her once she was ready something in her had changed. She still didn't go seeking to be in the spotlight but if it came to her she didn't feel the need to hide from it.

When she decided to do the tournament and she decided to not use her disguise she knew that it would draw a lot of attention to her. She decided to do it anyway and she didn't feel the need to run from it. Maybe someday she would figure out why that had changed.

That morning started with breakfast with all of her friends, even Nik and the guys. She had a feeling that that wouldn't change until Nik and the guys graduated. They are a year ahead of the rest of them. "You know guys, I was just thinking. Us having breakfast together has become such a thing that we will probably continue to do this until you four graduate."

Cody thought for a second, "I hadn't thought about it but you are right. And if you think about it once they do graduate it's going to seem very empty without them. Luckily we don't have to worry about that for two more years."

It was Fred who said, "Even when we graduate there is no way that y'all will be able to get rid of us. You guys are stuck with us."

"Even if you wanted to get away from us, we wouldn't let that happen anyway." Nicole smirked and continued, "Besides if you tried to hide from us we would just have Cora here find you. I have complete faith in the fact that there is nowhere you could hide that she wouldn't find you."

They all laughed at what Nicole had said and they all knew it was true. They all knew that she was truly gifted when it came to computers. "I think y'all think a little too highly of me, but thanks," Cora said to everyone. Cora was a humble person but she also had heard her entire life that she wasn't good enough from her mom.

Nik had a feeling that she never had been able to accept compliments. He also knew that was because of her mom. Nik told Cora, "All of us at this table have witnessed how good you are with computers. I promise you none of us has witnessed anyone that is better than you." It really bothered him that she couldn't accept people complimenting her.

Cora shifted uneasily in her seat. She never really knew how to respond to compliments and they made her uncomfortable so she decided to change the subject. "Tomorrow is the last game of the tournament. Is everyone ready?" She paused for a second then directed her next question at Cody, "Are you ready to lose?"

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