Chapter 3

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Once Nikola and his friends were alone they sat quietly for a few minutes processing what they had just learned. Josh being the funny and mischievous one of them said to Nik, "So not only is she a girl, which I totally didn't expect, but she's also better than you." Josh paused for a second before saying, "You do realize that in last week you have been beat twice. First CocoLee beat you in the game. Then you got beat playing basketball."

Zach laughed then asked, "Are you losing your touch Nik? Sure seems like you are. The best part is both times he got beat by girls."

"From what I could tell she was pretty too. At least somewhat, with how she was dressed it was hard to be sure just how pretty she really is," Fred added.

Nikola could tell they were trying really hard to give him a hard time but it never bothered him. And it being a girl that beat him at basketball didn't bother him. He knew that most guys would have had issues with it but he didn't. "I just realized that we forgot to ask for her name. They also didn't mention what she's studying for either."

"You are right. Although I did overhear Cody call her Lee but if that is her name I would bet it's her last name," Fred mentioned. "We need to make sure we don't slip up and let her secret get out."

"We are all good at keeping secrets. It will be no problem," Nikola said and stood up. The other 3 followed suit so that they could head back to the dorm. They didn't have anything else to do today so they would probably all get on Rise From Ashes. Nik really hoped that CocoLee would be on.

Once they were all in their dorm they all went and booted up their laptops to play the game. While they were waiting for it to load Josh pulled up the school forum. While he was scrolling he saw a new post about the beauty contest. He clicked on it and began looking through it. He saw that it listed who was the winner from each department.

It took him a couple minutes to get to the section that listed the computer science department. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Hey guys, come over here and look at this."

They all groaned but came to look at his laptop. When they saw it they froze. "She's in the computer science department? No way." Zack said.

"We were wondering what her name was, now we know," Fred said next.

Nikola hadn't said anything. He just stood there staring at her name, thinking, without looking at the picture. Cora Lee, that's her name. There is no way that the red head with the gamer tag of CocoLee and Cora Lee who has red hair are 2 different people. They had to be the same person.

So in a week he got beat by the same girl twice, once in the video game and once in basketball. This girl is also the same major as him. They seemed to have so much in common.

With her personality he would bet money that she did not enter herself in the contest. He wondered who actually did. There is a good chance that it was one of her roommates. He was curious to see how she would handle the attention that she would get due to this beauty contest.

It seemed that her personality was one where she didn't make a lot of friends. She probably tended to stick to herself and do her own thing. He would even bet that she probably hadn't dated before. Although he was sure there were probably plenty of people interested in her, she just seemed to have her guard up.

"I bet she's probably the one of the top students in her class," Nik said as he went back to his computer. "Can you find out more about her, Zack. You should be able to get into the college's system right?"

"Yeah that shouldn't be a problem. Give me a little bit. I will compile information about her then let you know what all I find." After about a half an hour Zack had found everything he could. "Ok guys so here's what I found. It's still a little early but so far she is the top of her class and I bet she will stay at the top. The reason I say that is because on the entrance exam she got a perfect score, which I don't think has been done before. She was valedictorian of her class in high school. And she got a full ride scholarship, and the amount of it is the most that they will offer."

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