Chapter 6

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The next morning everyone was at breakfast, Cora, Nicole, Sarah, Hannah, Cody, Nikola, Josh, Fred, and Zack, when Cora noticed that Nikola seemed preoccupied. "Hey Nik, are you ok? You seem a little off today," Cora had a frown on her face. She had never seen him like this before.

"Yeah I am ok. I just have a problem that I need to fix but haven't quite figured it out." Nikola still had no idea how to find someone with the capabilities to test his software.

What kind of problem would he have that he can't figure out? She knew that he was really smart. "Tell me what it is, maybe I can help you figure it out."

He sighed and said, "Ok. So for extra money I build internet security software. I customize it according to the buyer's needs and I just finished one but I need to test it before I give it to the buyer. However the person that tested it for me before can't do it anymore for me. I haven't been able to find someone new to do it for me either."

"So that is why you have been off this morning. Actually I know someone that can do it for you." She laughed to herself. Cora had never imagined that what he did to earn money and what she did to earn money would fit together like a puzzle.

Nikola looked up at her shocked, "Wait seriously? You're not joking?"

She loved his reaction. She could tell that he hadn't been expecting her to say that. "Yes I am being serious. I can make it happen. As long as you trust me that is. This person doesn't like to let people know what they can do."

"So that means I won't meet the person that does it?" He asked Cora, sounding a little concerned.

"That's right. But this person is trustworthy as long as you trust me."

Nikola didn't say anything for a moment. He didn't like not knowing who was going to be testing his software but he did trust Cora. "I trust you. How do we make this happen?"

"Is the software what you have on your personal laptop right now?" Cora asked him while thinking about when she would be able to do it.

"Yeah I downloaded it to my laptop so that I can test it. How would I pay this person? And how do I know when they are done and what they think of it."

"Well if the person is able to get through your software you'll know. They always leave their signature so that those that asked them to test it know. And I will let you know what they say about the software. And don't worry about paying them. They will do it for free since you know me." Of course the person knows her, it is her, she laughed to herself.

"Are you sure they will do it for nothing? I really don't mind paying them whatever price they usually charge for it." Nikola looked so confused and she thought it was cute.

"Yes I am sure. I will let you know what I find out."

Josh heard the tail end of their conversation and asked them, "You know someone that can test his software huh? I figured it would take longer to find someone who can do that. Zack here can do that a little but he isn't good enough to test Nik's software."

"Is Zack the only one who can?" Cora asked him.

"Yeah. Nik here is wicked good with the security aspect but Zack is the only one who can get into some systems. Nik's focus has always been the security aspect of the internet. A while back his system kept getting hacked and he was never able to find out who it was. He also wasn't able to stop them. It really frustrated him. Probably what made him decide to make internet security his main focus. Before that he only did security software for himself. It was only after that that he started to sell software to others." Josh explained to her as he ate his food.

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