Chapter 4

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The next few days went on as they normally did, going to class and studying like normal. But by the end of the week Cora started to notice people staring at her more and a few even took pictures of her. At first she couldn't figure out why people were doing this but after thinking about it for a while she had an epiphany and pulled out her phone to look at the forum for information about the beauty contest.

It didn't take Cora long to find it and sure enough it seemed to her that was the reason. Cora had been named the winner of the beauty contest. She wondered if Nicole and the others had seen it. "Hey guys have you seen this?" Cora motioned to her phone.

Absent-mindedly Sarah asked, "Seen what?" She leaned over to look at Cora's phone. "Holy crap. Nicole, you were right. She won."

"No way," Hannah said and looked for herself on her own phone. "Wow. Maybe people will stop saying that all the girls in computer science are ugly now."

"I told you guys that if she entered, she would win. And people better stop saying that. Our girl here has proven otherwise. She's the prettiest girl on campus," Nicole bragged.

"You guys do realize that I don't really care about being the prettiest or the most popular right? I got used to it in high school but I never really cared much about it," Cora stated matter of factly. "Now I'm going to have to hide all the time. At least I have my disguise."

Nicole thought for a minute before saying, "Actually that may not be a good idea. I think if you try to hide using your disguise all the time I think you are also more likely to be found out." She paused for a breath before continuing, "So if you want to keep your basketball disguise you might just have to endure the attention of being pretty and popular."

"She's right Cora. If you use your disguise too much you are more likely to be found out," Hannah said.

"Yeah you are probably right. I will just have to get used to it again. I dealt with a lot of attention in high school too. I was hoping not to have to deal with that in college but no luck there." Cora sighed and said, "I guess I will have to brush up on my rejections again. I haven't had to worry about being asked out in a while. I got a feeling that it's going to be an issue again."

Sarah laughed at Cora and said, "You know most girls would love having that kind of issue. Imagine... someone seeing being asked out as an issue." She shook her head and said, "You are a special girl."

Nikola was quietly studying when he was interrupted, rather loudly, by Josh. "Hey guys, check this out. Our girl Cora Lee won the beauty contest."

The other 3 guys all looked up from what they were doing and Nikola said "When did she become our girl?"

"Of what I said, that is what caught your attention. And she is a girl from our department... Doesn't that make her ours. We are the most popular guys in our department and she will now be the most popular girl on campus. Not to mention we even know her secret," Josh reasoned out for Nikola.

"She is from our department but I bet if she heard you call her ours she would disagree," Fred said to Josh.

"So she won huh? I am not surprised. Even though when we saw her she was dressed as a guy she still was rather striking," Nikola said.

Zack looked at Nikola and asked him, "Didn't you see the picture of her that was used when we looked at it before? Trust me. I would have been surprised if she didn't win."

"No. ."I only looked at the name. And I didn't look at it later. You know I don't look at the forum. Most everything on it is useless."

"Trust me. Look at this." Zack pulled out his phone and pulled up the forum, found the beauty contest and clicked on her picture. Then he handed the phone over to Nikola.

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