Chapter 12

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The next few weeks they had time only for completing their final assignments for their classes and studying for final exams. Nik and Cora did make sure to make time at least once a week to go have dinner together. It wasn't as much as they wanted but with the end of the semester coming up it was all they could manage.

Cora had also been preparing for the talent show that would happen on the last day before everyone went home for the summer. The only one she had told so far that she was planning on being in it is Nik. She figured it was about time to let her friends know.

It was finally the week of finals, Monday. They also had to hand in their final assignments. Then on Friday afternoon they would have the talent show. Someone would be declared the winner but there wasn't a prize. The college just held it for fun. No one would have classes Friday. It would be the day that everyone gathered their stuff to head home for the summer.

Cora decided to tell her friends about her being in the talent show while they were all getting ready for the day. "Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I plan on being in the talent show."

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at her in shock. After being roommates since the end of August they all knew her quite well. She didn't like being in the spotlight. In fact, she usually would do anything to stay out of it. Nicole was the most shocked of all of them. She had never known her to perform in front of anyone no matter the reason.

It was Hannah who spoke first, "But don't you hate being in the spotlight?"


They all looked confused. Sarah was the one who asked, "So what made you decide to participate in the talent show."

Cora laughed inside. "To be honest, my motivation is Nik. It is so hard to shock him... So I want to do it to see his reaction. Also I have figured that I am not going to be able to stay out of the spotlight anyway, so why not."

"So what kind of performance are you going to do?" Hannah asked. Nicole hadn't said anything due to the fact that she was still in shock.

Cora flashed them a secretive and conniving smile, "That is a secret. You will only know if you come watch the talent show." She paused for a minute before she remembered, "Oh and Nicole, if you figure it out don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise."

"If that is the case, you might want to let Cory know to not tell anyone. He is the most likely to figure out what kind of performance you will give us. He has known you the longest."

"Don't worry. I will let him know at breakfast. So are we ready? I am hungry."

With that they all headed out the door and over to the cafeteria. Once they got there it didn't take long to get their food. When they got to their table the guys were all already there. Everyone said hi.

To Josh, Zack and Fred, Cora said, "Hey you guys, there is somewhere you need to go Friday."

All of the guys but Nik looked up at her with confusion written on their faces. Cory was the first to speak, "Oh really? Where and why?" The other three nodded, agreeing with his question.

"I plan on being in the talent show." Before anyone could say anything she told Cory, "Oh and Cory, if you figure out what I plan on doing you had better keep it to yourself if you know what is good for you. It's going to be a surprise. If you tell anyone, I am going to kick your butt."

Cory raised his hands in surrender signifying that he knew better than to do that. She really would do it. He and Nicole were the only ones here that would know what she would perform.

"It surprises me that you would want to do that. Normally you would stay away from doing that if I am not mistaken," Fred told her.

"That is true. But I have figured that I probably don't have a chance of staying out of the spotlight. So I might as well get used to it."

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