Chapter 18

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 In the weeks that followed Nik used every spare minute he had to show Cora how he felt without actually saying the words. He was new to being in love with someone. This was his first time experiencing being in love with someone.

He started out by spending every moment possible with her. Then one weekend that they were both free he took her over to the house he and the guys rented and cooked dinner for her.

Nik set up a candlelit dinner with romantic music and he cooked all her favorite things. Then they watched movies together and spent the night wrapped in each others arms.

He also started to randomly buy things for her. First it was a stuffed bear and some flowers. After that he bought her a necklace that had both of their first names on it. It was made of sterling silver with a red ruby heart with each of their names on either side of the heart.

As usual he would also go to the library to study when she did. He also made sure that she never walked after dark alone. After that incident last semester he was afraid it would happen again if she went out after dark alone.

After the weekend that he cooked dinner for her at the house, they started to spend more weekends there alone. Sometimes he would cook, sometimes she would, and sometimes they would do it together.

They always slept in the same bed together but sleeping was all they did. Nik wanted more but he wanted her to know his feelings for her before they took that step. He didn't want her to have any reason to doubt him. He would wait as long as she needed, even if she told him that she wanted to wait for marriage. He was willing to wait forever for her.

Nik already knew that Cora was the one he was meant to spend his life with. If for some reason they were to break up, he would spend his life alone. She was the only one for him. He just hoped she felt the same for him.

On a random day a few weeks after Nik had realized how he felt, it clicked in Cora's head. Cora was working on some stuff for one of her classes when it felt like lightning struck.

Out of the blue, Cora realized that the way Nik had been was a bit different than before. If it were anyone else she would think they were just doing normal couple things. However, this was Nik.

Her and Nik hadn't ever done anything like a normal couple. Which told her that he was doing these things for a purpose. So she started thinking about all of the things he had gotten her and done for her lately.

Cora thought to herself, Nik started with buying me things... Then we started to spend every weekend together at the house. Those weekends gave her a taste of what being married to him would look like...

At that thought Cora's mind froze. Married? He started off doing things a boyfriend would do and then went on to do things that would show what married life would be like. He's been so sweet and caring, even more so than normal. Was this his way of showing how he felt without saying it?

She wanted to believe that was the case, but she was afraid. Growing up she had never been loved before. Her mom had never wanted her and had never hidden it either.

Luckily for her she had had Nicole and Cory growing up. So she at least had a couple of friends growing up. And now she has more friends. There were the other girls that she shared a dorm with and Nik's roommates. It hadn't taken long for the guys to decide that she was their sister. The guys treated her so well that she found it unbelievable. Even if she wasn't dating their friend they would probably still consider her their sister.

Though she had the love of friends, it was different than the love she had for Nik. Her love for Nik filled her up so much it overflowed. She loved him with everything she had. Unfortunately she was absolutely terrified to tell him. She knew he cared about her but knowing that didn't make her fear go away.

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