Chapter 15

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The next day Nik woke up and headed out early so he could go get the guys. Him and the guys decided to take another car along with his car so that they would have plenty of room. On the way there Nik called Cory to see how she was doing and to let him know when they would get there. Nik wanted her to wait for him to be there before she started to pack her things and he figured that Cory could convince her to wait.

When the guys got there they all got out of the cars and saw Cora in Cory's yard. They all walked over to her. Cora said to them, "Before we get started Cory's parents I need to take you all to meet Cory's parents. If I don't I will get in trouble."

As soon as they walked into Cory's house an older lady, Cory's mom, walked over to them. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. "So which of you is my girl's boyfriend?"

They could tell that she wasn't afraid to say anything to anyone. That was really common for short women and this woman was definitely short. Nik stepped forward and said, "I am ma'am. My name is Nik. These are my friends Josh, Zack and Fred."

She looked at Nik's friends and asked them, "So you three are the ones she is staying with?"

In unison the three of them answered, "Yes ma'am."

She reached out to hand them a piece of paper. On it was her phone number. "You had better look out for my girl and if that mother of hers tries to contact her, you give me a call. I already warned Cora if she tries to make up with her mom she will be in trouble with me."

It was Fred who said, "You don't have to worry ma'am. We consider Cora our sister. We won't let her mom cause any problems. If she does, we will give you a call."

Cory's mom looked at Cora, "Looks like you met some awesome people while you were at college. You have always had good taste in friends." She looked back at the four of them and said, "Y'all had better look out for her and not let anything bad happen to her or you will answer to me." Lastly she looked directly at Nik, "And you, you had better be good to my girl."

"I promise to treat her the absolute best. In fact, let me tell you a secret. " Nik whispered in her ear, "I plan to marry her one day. But I haven't told her that. She isn't ready to hear that yet." Nik stepped away and looked at Cory's mom.

She looked him in the eye to gauge if he seemed truthful. She could see the sincerity in his eyes. She nodded her approval at him. She could tell that he knew her well already.

Cory had been patiently watching the exchange between his mom and his friends. He figured it was time to get started so he said, "Ok mom. We are going to get started. We'll be back when we are done."

With that they all walked over to Cora's mom's house. Luckily she wasn't there at the moment. As Cora was unlocking the door Nicole also showed up. Cora had told her everything that had happened and she was also there to help.

They all headed into the house to start gathering Cora's things. They didn't really need as many people as they had, but everyone wanted to be there for Cora. Especially if her mom showed up. They didn't want Cora to have to deal with her horrible mom again.

Cora didn't want to take any of the furniture. She knew if she needed some that she would be able to get it in the future. There was her clothes and shoes, which she had a lot of. Nicole packed those. She also packed all of the products that only girls use. That meant makeup, face care products, shower products and anything else that was needed.

Cora packed all of her electronics that went with her laptops. To her those were the most important. While she did that the guys packed up all of her odds and ends, like pictures and decorations. They also packed her bedding and anything else that was left.

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