Chapter 8

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After being almost completely deserted by its students for two weeks, the hustle and bustle on the college campus was back. Classes started back up. Everyone was back to being busy all the time.

Especially Cora, Nik and the others. They were about to start practicing and preparing for the basketball tournament. She still hadn't decided if she wanted to play as she normally did or if she was going to go as herself.

Today was the first day that classes were back in session. She was about to head to the cafeteria for breakfast. She hadn't seen Nik yet. She was really hoping that he would be at breakfast like he usually was. Even though she was excited and worried that he might not be there, somewhere in her mind she knew that he would be.

Ever since he declared his intention to date her he became very dependable on being at meal times in the cafeteria and when she went to the library. That alone told her what kind of boyfriend he would be. She knew that once she started dating him he would always be with her every chance he could get. Something told her that nothing could keep him from her as long as that is what he wanted.

He was a very determined type of person. Cora could also tell from that night that he defended her from that guy that at some point in his past he had been used to fighting. She would bet all her money that at some point he was very much the bad boy that he seemed like he is. But to her that isn't necessarily a bad thing. When bad boys loved someone, that person was their all. They would sacrifice the world for those that they love. However a good guy would sacrifice their love for the world.

So while most wanted a good guy, she was different. She would most definitely prefer a bad boy who would choose her over everything. And in return, once she loved someone she would choose them over anything or anyone. However if the one she loved ended up hurting her she is the type to make their life hell. Cora had faith that Nik wouldn't hurt her though.

Nik and his friends were already at the cafeteria when Cora and her friends got there. Nik was facing away from the door so he didn't see her at first, but he could tell when she got there because the noise in the cafeteria increased. Ever since she won the beauty contest anywhere she went on campus did that. It seemed everyone liked talking about her wherever she showed up.

Nik turned to look at Cora. He hadn't seen her since the break started. He had texted her a few times to check on her though. And even though she didn't know he had also played the video game they both like, with her and his friends.

He watched Cora go wait in line. She always looked amazing, but he could tell that for the most part that she didn't care about fashion and looking good. She just cared about looking presentable. She didn't care about name brands or anything like that. She rarely wore accessories. Cora usually stuck to jeans and t-shirts. The t-shirts that she usually wore had funny sayings on them.

They all ate their breakfast and talked with each other about their holidays and how it was. After catching up with Cody, Cora chatted with Nik about his holiday. She also told him about her holiday. After a little while she remembered she had something she wanted to talk to him about. "Oh yeah. There was something I wanted your opinion on."

Nik was curious, "What's that?"

"I have been thinking about the tournament and what the professor told you. But I haven't been able to make a decision. I don't know whether I should still wear my disguise or if I should do it as myself."

Nik thought about it for a minute before saying, "Well there are a couple things to consider before making a decision. First, if you go without your disguise, it might lead to other girls joining in. I definitely think that that would be a good thing. Second, it might help how guys view girls. We both know that most guys think that girls can't be better than them at stuff. But that is not the case. Anyone can be the best, it just depends on talent and hard work. Ultimately, it mainly depends on what you are comfortable with. If you aren't comfortable with all the guys knowing that you are better than them, that's ok."

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