Chapter 20

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Nik left the next day like he had told Cora he was going to. He called her to let her know he was headed home. He also let her know when he got there so that she wouldn't worry. But that was the last she had heard from him.

Nik had truly done what he said he was going to do. He was giving her space so that she could work through what was holding her back from being able to express her feelings. She knew why she was this way. But she didn't know how to overcome it.

It had already been two days since he left and she felt lonely and depressed without him here. She had never realized how much she would miss him. Cora was used to being with him everyday at meal times and when studying at the library.

She still had her friends around her and she was very grateful for that. However, it wasn't the same as having Nik here with her. She didn't mind doing all the things herself that he usually did. But she missed talking to him, being in his arms, and holding his hand. Even just knowing he was there with her.

It was Monday and even though she was feeling down and didn't have the energy to do anything she still had to go to her classes. And she did, however, she didn't participate with the class like she normally would. She sat there listlessly and just listened to the professor and her classmates around her.

She could see the question on everyone's faces. They all were curious about why she seemed off. But no one had the courage to ask her what was wrong. The only people that knew what was going on with her were her friends. But even though they knew, no one tried talking about it with her.

Cora spent the rest of her day like that. She made sure to show up for everything she was supposed to go to, but she was unenthusiastic and depressed with everything. The only thing she didn't do that day that she would normally do was to go study at the library. She couldn't bring herself to go there without Nik.

It has been at least a year since she had gone to the library alone. Ever since Nik declared his interest in her on that basketball court in front of everyone, he had gone to the library to study with her everyday.

Instead of going to the library she went back to the dorm. She usually went to the library after her classes for the day were done. So with her not going there she had nothing else that she had to do.

Once she was back in the dorm she got into comfy clothes and climbed into bed. She hugged one of the stuffed animals that Nik had gotten her and just laid there. She didn't sleep. She just laid there in a daze trying not to think. She laid there like that for two hours before her friends came back to the dorm.

As soon as Sarah, Hannah, and Nicole walked in their door they all stopped and stared at Cora. They were not used to seeing her just laying in bed doing nothing. She was usually doing something, even if it was just playing the video game that she likes.

It was Nicole who walked over to Cora and sat on the side of her bed. She gently took the covers off from around Cora's head so she could be seen better. "Are you hungry? We haven't figured out what we are eating for dinner yet?"

Cora didn't speak, she just shook her head no.

"Is there anything we can get you? Whatever it is you want, we can bring it back if you don't want to go anywhere to eat." Nicole was really worried about her friend. She had never seen Cora this way. She was usually a vibrant person.

"I don't need or want anything. Thank you for asking though. You guys have a good time at dinner. I'll be here when you guys get back."

Her three friends had worried looks on their faces, but they left anyway, so that they could go eat dinner. This way they could also meet up with the guys and give them an update on how Cora was. The guys had been asking how she was all day. But until now they hadn't really known how she was.

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