Chapter 11

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After their announcement their friends all came onto the court. They were all excited and talking at the same time. The girls were all hugging Cora and the guys were congratulating Nik.

In the midst of all of the congratulations Josh said, "Let's go have dinner. The winner gets to buy it."

Nik laughed at Josh. He was not surprised that Josh suggested that. "Ok sounds good. How about that really good buffet place? Before we go I am going to speak with the professor first. Give me a moment."

Nik left his girl there talking with all of their friends and went over to the professor. "How was it?"

"With it being you and her playing it went well. So you got the girl huh?" The professor smiled at him. She knew that he was a special guy. Not many like the girl so much that they want to announce to everyone that she's taken.

He gave her a knowing smile, "Did you doubt me? I come see you Monday to see just how much we were able to raise."

She nodded at him, "Sounds good to me. If you want you and her can be the ones to go give it to the kids. We can figure out when you guys can go do that when you come see me."

"Ok. Then I will see you on Monday." He walked back over to his friends and his girl. "Is everyone ready?" He looked at Cora and said to her, "Did you want to change first or are you fine going to eat wearing that?"

"We can go ahead and go eat. I am ok with wearing this."

They all started to head out of the gym and walked toward the restaurant that Nik had suggested. While they walked Nik and Cora were at the back of the group. They walked side by side with Nik walking on the outside closest to the road.

Right now, Nik was so happy that it felt like he was dreaming. Right now he wanted nothing more than to have her in his arms. But he knew it was too early for that. They hadn't even had their first date yet. Nik was determined to do this right though. If he got his way, he would spend his whole life with this lady. He really didn't want to screw it up.

It didn't take them long to get to the restaurant. They all got food and sat down to chat and eat. They were all talking about the game and what transpired after Nik had won.

Cody, who was sitting on one side of Nik, said to him, "You know, from the time that she revealed to you guys that she was in fact a girl I knew that you would be the one that she would end up dating." Cody shook his head and continued, "I could tell then that you were intrigued by her. After seeing your reaction to how good she is that if anyone could break through her wall, it would be you."

Cora glared at Cody. She was sitting on the other side of Nik. "You knew all that huh? And yet you never said a word to me. Who's side are you on anyway?"

"I'm on his side of course." Cody looked at Nik again, "In fact, if you ever need some help with her, I am happy to be of assistance."

"I appreciate that. I will keep that in mind." Nik thought Cody was hilarious. He knew that Cora was about to get irritated at what Cody just said. That is going to be even funnier.

"Excuse me? You're happy to help him? I thought I was your friend. Is that not the case anymore?"

"Of course I am your friend. That's why I am willing to help him. I know how difficult you can be." Cody laughed at the anger brewing in her eyes. He loved getting a rise out of her.

"Don't worry I don't mind you being difficult. I think you're worth it." Nik gave her the most blinding smile that lit up the whole room.

He really was way too good looking. She could tell that she was in trouble. Cora shook her head and mumbled to herself, "These two are going to drive me nuts. I should have said no."

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