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°Levys POV°
After what felt like the longest car ride ever, the limo pulled into the driveway. Lily got first, followed by Gajeel, than me. I did my best not to stumble walking through the patch of gravel. I'll have to thank Lily for parking closer. I waited behind Gajeel as Lily unlocked the door. Once he opened it, everyone rushed in, I took off my shoes and went to my room. I changed into a pair of black short shorts, and a small black tank top, I laid on my bed in silence. Slipping into a deep sleep.
I awoke the next morning to nothing but a note on the fridge in the kitchen.
Sorry for not notifying you sooner, but the Hendrix family has decided to return Gajeels money sooner than expected, we will be home soon.
I was sad that I had nothing to do. I wasn't going to search his house. Half the rooms were probably empty or boring, for some odd reason, I didn't want to drink or read or even clean guns. I just wanted to, have peace on quiet. Than I remembered it! Gajeels Garden! I rushed out into the garden. My jaw dropped. I could never get used to something like this. The grass is GREEN. Like the grass you see in commercials. It looked almost fake. I ran bare foot through the field! I dipped my toes in the lake! I laid in the soft grass my eyes closed, I lay soaking in the warmth, it was nirvana. (Nirvana as in Heavenly not the Oración Seis Dark Magic nirvana)
I smiled to myself and sighed. I remembered the last time I was here. I blushed. Than I felt a hand on my mouth. Not Gajeel.
°Gajeels POV°
That Morning
Lily woke me up this morning.
"Gajeel, the Hendrix family says they have the money." Lily shook me a bit.
"Alright Alright I'm up. I doubt they have it. But they might considering they came to me." I groaned.
"Yes. But it seems suspicious to me." Lily looked me dead in the eye.
"How so?" How would anything the harvests do be suspicious? They get drunk and gamble. Everyone knows that.
"If the Hendrix have you money, they wouldn't have gambled. They had to have come up with. 500,000 dollars in a matter of a few days. Suspicious."
I nodded.
"Let me get dressed, than we'll go." I hopped out of bed, wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. Lily walked to the doorframe. Stopped than turned around
"Should I wake up Levy?" Lily asked leaning against the door frame.
"Um. No. It if suspicious, it's probably dangerous. The shrimp don't need any danger in er' life." I shook my head slowly,
"Okay. I'll leave her a note so she doesn't worry." Lily hopped off the door frame as the sounds of his steps faded. I shut the door and changed into a suit. Darkish red undershirt, Black blazer and a red tie. I brushed my hair out. I slicked it back with some gel, and tied it back in a low pony tail. I checked myself once over. Make sure my tie was tight. No loose hairs hanging around.
Then, I grabbed a holster, I removed my blazer and wrapped the holster around my chest. I opened up the top drawer of my dresser. .45 caliber pistol. I stuck it in the holster and I put my blazer back on. I walked down the hall to meet the shrimps room. I sticker in a deep breath. I opened the door and walked in. I silently gasped. Levy was in her bed curled up, her blanket at her feet. But she was in booty shorts. Black, tiny booty shorts. With a small black tank top, you could see the pattern of the lace against the right tank top. I stared at her, I felt like I could just pick her up and squeeze her. I sighed. I simply walked over and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"See ya soon shrimp," I pulled her blanket up onto her body and closed the door silently as I left. I walked downstairs to see Lily writing a note for the shrimp in the kitchen. Lily handed it to me. I read it over.
"Good n'uff. Ready?" I put a magnet over the note holding it to the fridge. Looking to Lily.
"Let's go get yer money." Lily and I walked out of the mansion Lily was going to shut the door.
"Shut it quietly the shrimps sleepin." I added. I heard him smirk. He shut the door slowly and quietly. When he turned to me he had a smirk plastered onto his face.
"You kissed Levys forehead." He stated.
"Hush up will ya? Let's go."
"Let's not take the limo." I complained. It wasn't a fast car. I liked fast,
"You wanna?" Lily looked at me smiling devilishly.
"Yes!" I said excited we walked to the garage and I waited as Lily pulled out the car. The garage door opened. Out comes my baby. My 2010 Mustang GT. Being the person I am, I had it completely blacked out. (Media)
I hopped an and smirked at Lily.
He pulled out of the gate and revved the engine.
"WOHOOOO!" I yelled as Lily shifted once more. We were flying! I'm on my way to money!
We arrived at the destination in happy moods. I hopped out of the car and high fives Lily walking into the casino. I greeted some bar tenders and waitresses that I had known. They seemed surprised I was in a high mood. I'm usually not very happy when meet the Hendrixs. But I had a good time in that car. I always did. I saw the small Hendrix man in his usual seat, but he was with another man. A small built man. With dark hair.
"Who's this?" I said to the Hendrix fellow,
"This is Droy. He is the one who supplied me the money." He looked up to the 'Droy'
"And why is he here?" I asked looking to Lily.
"Well, he just wanted to make sure I was using the money for what I said I was." Droy stayed silent.
"Okay. Give me my money." I held out my hand out.
"Here you go sir. Must I ask why your wife isn't here?" He slid the briefcase over to me. Lily grabbed it and counted for a moment.
"All here." He said slightly surprised. I liked over to the Droy fellow.
"I'm quite surprised, how much does he owe you now sir?" I asked honestly curious.
"Oh, well, this just helped with a small plan." I said tilting his head slightly.
"What kind of plan?" Lily budded in.
"Well." Droy looked at his watch. "It's probably already happened, so... How much is that Levy worth to you?" He asked.
"If you touched her!" I stood up.
"Well, I personally didn't touch her. But... She won't be there when you get home."
1175 words thanks for reading! Sorry for the cliffhanger! Love you my lovely waffles!

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