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Sorry about the chapter wait! One of my friend (who reads the story) wanted to read the unpublished chapter before it was out. I allowed her to do it and she got mad at the ending (of the chapter) and made me rewrite it with a different ending! If you guys want, after the story is over, I'll post the one that was going to be in the story. On go the story!
°Natsus POV°
Gajeel was already out of the van, and we drove continued driving until we were behind the tree lines. Erza spoke up.
"Nobody moves until something goes wrong." Erza warned. Lucy and I nodded. We made our way through the woods and saw Jet, Gajeel and one other man standing and talking. Gajeel looked like he was getting more and more mad by the second
"Keep your cool man, keep your cool." I kept whispering. I looked around, looking for any men looking to shoot Gajeel, none. I heard Gajeel scream, I looked over, he looked furious, and jet was just smiling. Gajeel soon calmed down, moments later he almost looked relieved. I waited anxiously.
Then. He looked absolutely crushed. He dropped to his knees,
"What is he doing?!" Jet soon reached for his belt,
"WE GOTTA MOVE! COME ON!" I whispered loudly.
I was shaking Gajeel screaming his name
"GAJEEL! GAJEEL!" He looked up at me with puffy eyes and he looked completely broken.
"What did he say to you?! Get ahold of yourself!" I yelled
°Gajeel POV°
•Moments after arriving•
We drove up and I sat in the front seat, switching placed with the front passenger. As Jet came into view my blood just boiled. How much I just wanted to beat the shit out of him was unbearable. We slowly pulled up and I stepped out.
"You can let your car drive away now. I can send you home in one of my cars." Jet added shooing away the van. The van quickly pulled away and I knew they were going to get out of the van and hide in the trees. Briefcase in hand, I stepped a couple feet closer.
"Where's the Shrimp?" I asked.
"Oh she's getting ready to be sent to your manor, she picked a very beautiful dress to wear." Jet said sweetly. Fuckin Lair! I wanted to just scream in his face!
"Oh okay, but I wanted to see her before I have you the money." I glanced down at the briefcase full of money,
"I can assure you she was treated with the highest of care, almost like she was my wife." Jet boasted.
"Well, she's my wife. And I can assure you she would rather be home with me." I grew a little agitated. I looked to my left. I saw a guy with black hair and a suit on.
"Hey woah! You send come alone. Who's this guy?" I asked pretty much knowing he'd bring men.
"Well seeing as it is my deal. I can bend a couple rules. His name is Droy." Jet said nonchalant.
"Fine." I said acting as though it didn't matter to me.
"Anyway. I must say, Levy is one fine woman." Jet teased.
"Yeah. She's my shrimp. I notice stuff like that," I said normally
"Oh might I add. Levy Quite enjoyed me not calling her nicknames, or may I say. Preferred my nicknames." Jet leaned a bit forward. Oh my god I'm going to break his face. Oh my god I'm so close to hitting him.
"Yeah that's cool. What are the nicknames? Maybe I'll use them when I'm doing my wife." I taunted.
"Oh just stuff like, baby, honey.... Sexy." Jet said slowly...
"You're a weird one. Calling a married woman Sexy," I added trying to keep my cool.
"Well she never decided to stop me." Jet exclaimed.
"Maybe she didn't cause she thought you'd kill her or something. She knows you're a crazy bastard." I said smiling cockily.
"Or because she didn't didn't mind the little kisses every once in a while." Jet said obviously getting mad.
"Did you touch her.? Did you Fucking touch her?!" I yelled. "Tell me you touched please tell me you did! More of a reason to knock you the fuck out!" I screamed. Jet didn't even flinch he just clicked his tongue.
"I really don't think you should be talking like that to the man who has your wife." Jet taunted.
"You're not a man." I seethed. "You're just a coward!" I added furious.
"A smart Coward at that. I'm bored with the talking, hand over the money." Jet put his hand out. Wait. I still haven't gotten the message for the okay! I have to stall. Actually have to stall. What to say?! What to say?!
"No! Wait a minute! I want to know! Did you touch my wife!?" I said a bit more calmly. Though Still flaming. Jet smirked
"Maybe the money will tell." Jet sly face grew into something almost money hungry.
"Maybe you will tell me. Than maybe the money can be yours." I pushed.
"Hm. Seeing as though the money's mine anyway. I'll be nice. I did not touch your wife-" I sighed relieved,
"My servants had quite the time with her though." Jet continued. I felt crushed. I wanted to break down and give up. She is probably broken. I felt a certain hatred towards myself not being able to save her from something like that. I fell to my knees. I clutched the briefcase as hard as I could. I could hear the cracking of the wood. I couldn't hear anything. I felt salty tears roll down the bridge of my nose, And drop off the tip. I'm a failure, she wouldn't want to see me again. I can't face her. She probably hates me.
My eyes burned, I looked up to see a surprised and almost Guilty looking Droy, I looked to Jet reaching for something at his belt.
Everything was slow. I saw him pull a gun from his side and Aim it at me. I closed my eyes and waited to die. I just wanted to see Levy again...
I love her..
She's all I ever wanted.
She was my light.
My Queen.
My everything.
My all.
I waited. And waited for the embrace of death. The ringing in my ears stopped, I heard gun fire and yelling. I looked forward. To see the Droy fellow on the ground clutching his stomach. I crawled to him. I looked at him surprised.
"Save Levy." Droy coughed.
"Why-Why did you save me?" I chocked on my words. A lump in my throat.
"I'm not so sure myself." Droy tried to chuckle and coughed blood. I smiled.
"You deserve her. Don't think anything different." Droy coughed again, his eyes slowly changed from a pained face...
To emotionless.
I clutched his jacket. Shaking him and crying. Yelling. My hearing faded into a ringing once again. I was telling and screaming, everything was blurry when I felt to people start pulling me off. I felt buzzing in my pocket and I knew it was time to go. I was frozen. I looked up to see who was shaking me. My blurry vision sharpened to see Natsu looking extremely worried.
"What did he say to you?! Get ahold of yourself!" Natsu looked at me. Everyone in the team surrounding me.
"H-he said, th-they r-raped Levy." I looked down. Natsu looked petrified. He crouched in front of me
"You saved Levy Gajeel. I think she may want to see you." Natsu looked at me almost sorrowful. I weakly nodded and Natsu helped me up. And a van quickly pulled up with a very eager Erza looking confused.
"What did I miss?" Erza questioned, I didn't say anything, Natsu waved it off, everyone got into the van. Sitting Silently.
1320 Words thanks for reading! Sorry! Don't be mad. The chapter could've been worse if my friend didn't get all upset. Anyway! Sorry for the wait! Love you guys!

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