°Twenty One°

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°Levys POV°
I woke up to what seemed like... sunlight? I didn't have a window in my room. I didn't opened my eyes. But I heard shuffling and I was moving. I moved a little bit, and big hands adjusted themselves around me.
I slowly opened my eyes. To looked at a chest and I slowly looked up.
Tears immediately rolled down my cheeks. I tried to sniffle quietly. Lily looked down at me.
"Levy.... You're awake." He smiled warmly at me.
"Am.... I... Home?" I tried to speak. I found it particularly difficult, I tried to move and curl my legs close. I winced.
"Hey hey hey. Don't move. Your ankle wounds are infected." Lily held me in one arm and fixed my blanket around me with his other arm.
"Infected?" I asked confused.
"Those chains really messed up your ankles and nobody cleaned the wounds. They got infected from probably rubbing against dirty metal."
"Oh" I sighed.
Lily looked up and his face lit up. I tried to move my head and it was kind of sore. I just stayed in his chest. I heard muffled voices and I pulled the blanket higher above my head. I was put in someone else's arms and carried into some place and a car started and we started moving.
A brighter light hit my eyes. I looked up to see Wendy. I got excited.
"Wendy! You came with me!" I sat up and winced.
"Yeah funny story about that but I'll talk to you later about it. You're still pretty sore so I'm going to disinfect your wounds. But Lily didn't tell me where they were." Wendy admitted.
"My ankles." I slid upwards a little bit and pulled the blanket off my ankles. I heard many gasps and ouches. I looked around and saw Macao, and Romeo, Wakaba. I saw Bisca with a couple bandages with aslack by her side.
I saw everyone looking at my wounds.
"I'm fine by the way." I mentioned.
"Doesn't look like it." Macao commented.
"But I am. Where Gajeel?" I asked.
Wendy looked at Bisca for help.
"Is Gajeel okay...?!" I asked worried.
"Yes Hun. Just. He had to take a different car." Bisca explained
"Oh." I said sadly. I missed him so much. So. Much.
"We'll be meeting with him soon." Bisca smiled. Wendy soon slumped down,
"I can't disinfect this because you have pieces of metal shards in your cuts. I have to do invasive surgery." Wendy sighed deeply.
"In..vasive...?" I croaked.
"Yes. I'll have to cut part of your leg pull out those shards." Wendy admitted.
"Will it hurt?" I asked looking up at her.
"Well, we will have to put you out. You'll be numbed." Wendy said.
"Oh. Okay." I sighed. Wendy pulled out this box and graves a mask and turned a nob.
"Put this on." Wendy handed me the mask and it on. After a moment. I felt very drowsy, Wendy giggled.
"Someone sleepy?" I felt every looking at me. I slowly nodded. I struggled to keep my eye lids from falling
"You can close your eyes." Wendy smiled at me. I nodded again and closed my eyes.
"See you soon Levy." I slowly fell into a deep sleep.
°Cars POV°
Wendy was working hard and Romeo at her side the whole way through the removal of the shards.
"So how'd it happen?" Macao asked.
"What?" Wendy asked
"How'd she get shards in her leg."
"Well it looks like when she'd move the metal would rub against her leg and maybe it was old and small shards would sink into her skin."
"Why'd you have to put her out? Could you have just pulled them out like a splinter?" Wakaba asked confused.
"Well with the amount of time she was there the blood crusted over and skin grew over and it must have been somewhat rusted, because it's causing issues from the inside out." Wendy said looking up for the first time. Wakaba and Macao nodded. Wendy pulled what looked like the last shard and stitched Levy up. Romeo held Levys leg up, while Wendy wrapped it in bandages. Wendy finished and pulled the mask off levy and pulled the blanket around Levy.
"She'll be fine in a couple days. She'll probably have a nasty scar though." Wendy smiled at the sleeping bluenette.
"Levys never cared about scars. Maybe she even wanted them. To remember her crazy times with us." Macao smiled. Bisca nodded.
•Time Skip•
Team Medics van was the first to arrive at Fairy Tail Gang HQ. Macao carried levy into the infirmary. People in the guild freaked out over Levy trying to see her but Wendy sent them away. Telling them she was asleep.
Wendy checked the wounds once more and then the Rescue team arrived. Lily rushed into the infirmary.
"How is she?" Lily asked.
"She'll be fine. She's just sleeping." Wendy looked up at Lily and smiled. Lily sighed relived.
"I'm glad." Lily turned around and sat and the bar trying to calm down a little bit. The Backup team showed up with very little injuries thankfully. Wendy finished tending to everyone and sat in the Main Hall with everyone else.
Everyone waited anxiously for the Main Force to show up... Then they heard it. They are here. Natsu Walked in with Lucy, Erza followed. In thee very back a stumbling Gajeel with his head in his hands soon looked up.
°Lilys POV°
Gajeel looks bad. Like Bad. I feel so bad for him. His eyes where red and his face looked stained with tears and he just looked like a wreck. I looked everyone had shocked faces. Probably surprised Gajeel was crying. I saw him walking straight towards me.
"Do you know where she is?" Gajeel said quietly.
"Yeah come one." I pat his back and got up and walked towards the infirmary. And I opened the door and pointed to the bed Levy was in. Gajeel pushed passed me and sat on his knees and grabbed Levys hand and just sat there. Holding her small hand in his two big ones. Setting his forehead against the bundle of hands. I walked back into the hall, grabbed a chair, walking it into the infirmary and sat it next to Gajeel I grabbed his shoulder. He looked up at me with tears running down his face.
"Sit here." I motioned to the chair. E nodded and got up and moved the chair to where he was and sat down. He let go of levy and stood up again.
"Lily" Gajeel caught my attention before I was going to leave.
"Yeah?" I turned to him. He took at step forward and hugged me
"Thanks for saving the love of my entire fucking life." Gajeel said sincerely.
"That's what I'm here for." I smiled. A women can really change a man. Gajeel let go. And walked back over to levy holding her hands again.
"See you in a bit Gajeel." I left before he could respond.
•Time Skip•
°Levys POV°
I felt better and was laying in a bed and I felt a weight on my lap. I slowly opened my eyes and saw what I've been wanted to see for so long. I felt so happy. I Wendy to move my hands but I could only move one. One of my hands was held close to him between his two hands.
"Gajeel" I whispered. I leaned forward and moved a piece of hair off his face and he looked like he'd been crying. I felt so terrible. I ran my hand down his stubbly chin. I felt a tinge sadness looking at his face, but nothing could ruin my happiness right now. I ran my hand down his face over and over, I touch all of his piercings and I started playing with his hair. A soft grin spread across my face. I was so in love with this big dummy. I saw him stir. I saw one of his eyes open and meet my eyes. He sat up so quickly. He pulled me into the biggest and also sifted hug ever. He didn't leg go of me. I slid my hands around his chest.
"I'm so sorry." Gajeel whispered into my hair.
"Hush. Just. Let me speak. Words, are just. Hard for me. So just let me pick the right words." I nodded into his chest. He sat up and pulled me with him. The blanket fell and I was left in a pair of pants and a loose shirt. He stood and spun me hugging me. And he sat down at the edge of the bed. Me in his lap facing him.
"I think I have it." Gajeel said and sighed nervously.
"Levy Mcgarden. You the the complete love my entire life." He pulled from the hug to look at me in the eyes. Levy. Levy Mcgarden. My name. He said my name.
"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I will walk to the ends of the earth to find you. You're stuck with me because I'm not letting you go again. Levy. I love you. I love you so fucking much." Gajeel said and I felt a tear roll down my cheek, he took his hand and put it on the side of my face running through my hair and wiped the tear with thumb. His hand never left my face. I leaned in. And Gajeel leaned in also.
When our lips Met. It was best kiss. Filled with love. When we finally pulled away. He laid his forehead on mine.
"I love you too Gajeel. I love you so fucking much." I whispered with my eyes closed. I felt my whole body get pulled into a big hug again. I heard a sniffle. I smiled into his chest. I felt so happy. My life is Complete.

1650 Words! No the story is not over! I still have more chapters that I wanna make! Sorry for it being a little longer. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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