Ch. 3 The Clash

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Rehan was busy with some legal documents related to his upcoming projects but his mind was completely focused on the Annual Global Meet who'll decide the fate of Malhotra's. If they got the deal they'll get the audacity to raise head infront of him which he hates the most.

He can't stand someone maintaining eye contact with him. When he talks with his employees and business associates he makes sure to give them his most hard and cold stare which leads them to bend their heads down. In starting it was initially to check the confidence level of the person he is talking to but as he reached the heights of success he got intrigued by the thought that no one has the courage to stand before him. And now when someone tries to do that he makes sure to show them their place, which is below his shoes as per him.

Before he can proceed with his thoughts his secretary Manish Sharma entered his cabin to inform him about the commencement of AGM so that they can leave on time.

They entered the lift to reach ground floor. Within 10 seconds they were on ground floor. And with a typical ding lift opened but before they can exit Rehan bumped into a male employee who was carrying a huge pile of files in one hand and coffee in another which sprawled all over the floor along with files and his clothes. Just then ..

"Sir! Your shirt" exclaimed Manish while pointing toward a brown patch on his shirt as well as coat.

"What the fuck is this." Said Rehan while removing his coat.

"I'm sorry sir... I'm really very sorry I was ju- "

"Get out"

"Si- "

" Sharma... "

"Yes sir"

"Throw him out"

"From the office? sir"

This moron

"Company Sharma, from the company along with his termination letter and salary till now." Ordered Rehan in his usual authoritative voice and murderous glare.

" Sir sir please sir-"

" Sir sir please sir-"

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Rehan's POV

Bloody useless fellows, can't even do one thing properly. Even a kid have the basic sense to do one work at a time.

So irritating

What the....

First that coffee now this....

My driver Shamsher, ...... He is talking on phone with his left hand on the right side of the car bonnet.


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