Ch. 43 The D-Day

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Kritika's POV

Shhh..... Open your mouth and take it...... You will enjoy it...... Come on...... Now be a good girl for uncle....... Kittu is my good girl right......

No uncle...... Please..... I don't want to do it..... It looks weird and yuck.....

Are.... it's just a lollipop..... come on...... suck it....... Open your mouth..... I SAID OPEN YOUR MOUTH KITTU.....

"No....." I screamed jolting awake from my sleep panting and sweating profusely.

"What happened Sweetheart?"


His call grabbed my attention and i closely observed my surroundings. I was on my bed, with my husband beside me.

"Sweetheart...." His hoarse voice was filled with concern for me. And not to forget his brows, that inclined in the middle.

"Dream..... Just a bad dream...." I muttered and he rubbed my back placing the glass of water near my lips.

Yeah just a dream..... A dream which became a bad memory for me when I entered my teenage phase. Because that was the time when things started making sense to me. I learnt about the another side of the coin. I learned not everyone that talks sweet is sweet in real life too.

Within a second i emptied the whole glass and clinged onto him. He is the only one I need right now. My protector..... My everything..... The person who saved me from yet another assault of my life.

He seems to understand my inner turmoil that's why he removed the duvet from my legs and pulled me on his lap before wrapping his arms and the duvet around me.

"Wanna share it?" The touch of his lips on my forehead gave me another kind of courage yet i fought myself from blurting out everything to him. Though I wanted to.... but it's better not to revive those bitter memories because it would bring nothing but pain to me.

Pain of backing off....... Pain of hiding that incident from everyone..... Pain of still not being strong enough to share about it....

But how can I? How can I tell everyone that I was assaulted by someone whom I used to call my favourite uncle at that time. How can I go and tell my neighbour...... Rahul bhaiya, that....... that your father tried to molest me when I came to your house for study as you tutored me and other kids of our colony.

Would he believe me?

Let alone him, would anyone else believe me? Specially when I'll tell about this assault thingy after years of actual occurence. I was seven that time and had no inferior knowledge of good touch or bad touch. And when I came to know, it was already too late for the incident to be reported.

I still had blur image of that horrible day. I was about to exit Rahul bhaiya's home when his father called me from behind and i squealed with the thought of getting my favourite chocolate. Bhaiya used to teach kids in his room that was on first floor. Because ground floor was occupied by his parents.

No one was home that day except for bhaiya and his father as it was a national holiday that day. Uncle took me inside his room as usual and i started jumping with excitement not even paying proper attention to his intentions. If aunty was present that day, she would have laughed at me as she always used to do.

I was so engrossed with my sweet that i didn't paid any heed to his actions. He was standing before me with his trousers unbuckled and me being the dumb bitch didn't knew what was happening. He was forcing me to take him in my mouth. I protested...... I remember I did..... But......

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