Ch. 37 His Insult , Her Punishment

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Author's POV

A man in his late 40's entered his home after opening the door. His steps were staggering due to tiredness and darkness of the place. He approached the switch board and illuminated the light of the hall. He turned back to rest on sofa but the scene before his eyes was something that he never dreamt of.

His paralysed son.... all drenched and terrified....  legs dipped in water bucket.... with an electric wire hanging above the water surface..... and the end of that wire in the hand of the man whom he loathes to the core.

Rehan sat there on large sofa owning the place. His left hand holding the wire ready to dip it inside the bucket and right one contained burning cigarette.

"Tch..... That wire has a very low voltage. We should try something else Rehan. How about this table lamp." Viraat suggested excitedly raising the lamp in air.

"Lamp jayega paani ke andar, aur iski atmaa..... sharir ke bahar." He giggled similar to a child.

( The lamp will go inside the water, and his soul...... outside the body. )

"No.... don't do anything to my son. He isn't at fault." Javin Malhotra came forward to save his son but Rehan's bodyguard held him back at his place.

"Let him go Rathore..... Deal with me..... My son has nothing to do with you." He screamed through greeted teeths thrashing in the hold of those guards.

"And my wife had nothing to do with you. But still you dragged her between our mess...... So I dragged him." Rehan stood up from his place before handing over the wire to Viraat who grabbed it with precaution.

"Vo kya hai na, Begum Sahiba hamari tit for tat me believe karti hain." He mocked walking upto Javin until he was an inch away from him. His men released Javin Malhotra from their grip when they saw him raising his free hand and dusting off the imaginary dirt from Malhotra's shoulder.

( Actually, my wife believes in tit for tat. )

"You wanted to hurt her.... in my presence. Now I will hurt your son.... in your presence." He simply turned and gave a knowing look to Viraat who moved the wire closer to bucket.

"Dad.... dad please save me. Stop them dad. Da-......" The pleading Jatin turned all silent when his body shooked vigorously due to electric current. He may not be able to feel sensations below his waist but his upper was pretty much sensitive.

And being drenched was of no help.

"Rathore.... Rathore leave him. Let him go please. I promise.... I won't come in your way ever again." Javin Malhotra had no choice left but to kneel before Rehan to save his son who's also his only family.

Rehan chuckled darkly before taking a puff and bending down to the level of Javin.

"So desparate to save your rapist of a son hann..... Alright..... I'll leave him......" He blinked his eyes at Viraat standing up who drew the wire back making Jatin pant heavily.

"But I have a condition." He declared attaching his lips to the butt of cigarette.

"48 hours.... I am giving you 48 hours. Take your son..... and leave Delhi......" The expressions on Rehan's face clearly showed that he wasn't planning to hear anything further from him.

"And mind you going against my words Malhotra...... Because....." He made a gun from the same hand and pointed at the window on his right side.

" He made a gun from the same hand and pointed at the window on his right side

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