Chapter 10

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The morning sun painted the room in hues of warmth as Chun diligently braided my hair in front of the vanity mirror. A gentle hum accompanied her deft fingers, weaving through my strands with practiced ease.

The tranquil routine, however, was shattered by the sudden intrusion of Yanlin, leaning casually against the door, spinning his car keys with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Excited for school?" he asked, his tone dripping with playful sarcasm.

A sly smile played on his lips, and I mirrored it, feigning nonchalance. "Oh, absolutely thrilled!"

Chun's keen ears didn't miss a beat as she continued her task, a reminder that our conversation wasn't as private as I wished. He was taking advantage of the fact that she was an audience to his provocations.

"Oh, you know, just curious." Yanlin shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes sparkled with amusement. "Besides, you've been acting a bit... mysterious lately. Wouldn't happen to be sneaking off to Baviera, would you?"

The blood drained from my face as his words hit their mark. He knew. Somehow, he had pieced together my secret, and now he was toying with me and his newfound blackmail.

I swallowed hard, trying to maintain my composure in the face of his relentless teasing. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, forcing a casual smile even as panic surged within me. "You're one to talk. What mischief are you up to?"

He slipped his hand into his pocket. "Who, me? Just enjoying the show, darling."

His lips curled at the corners, a mischievous smirk that signaled his delight in watching me squirm uncomfortably.

Annoying was an understatement; I couldn't fathom how he could casually drop such insinuations. It have me an unsettling realization that my carefully guarded secret was no longer safe.

"I'm... I'm heading out now! Kuya Junfeng is waiting downstairs already!" I stammered, hastily pushing my chair back and standing up. My wallet found its way into my hands as I rushed toward the door.

Chun's concerned voice trailed after me, calling that my hair was left unfinished, but I couldn't afford to stay. I felt the weight of Yanlin's vexatious stare boring into the back of my head as I rushed past him. I nearly stumbled on the stairs in my frantic attempt to escape.

Snatching my bag from the sofa, which the other helpers had neatly prepared, I bolted out of the door. A rush of relief washed over me as I caught a breath of air untainted by my older brother's insufferable presence.

The mere thought of enduring another minute with him was enough to make me want to scream in agony!

However, my relief was short-lived when I discovered that Junfeng's car wasn't waiting at the front as it usually would be. I began to run around, questioning the helpers about the situation. Their expressions mirrored my own confusion; none of us had a clue about what was going on.

"He's on a break," Yanlin's voice came from behind me, accompanied by the shuffle of a helper rushing to his side with an umbrella to shield him from the sun's glare. "Looks like you're stuck with me for the entire week," he added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

My heart sank at his words, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. The prospect of spending every moment with him for the next week filled me with dread. I'd constantly be in a bad mood!

"Absolutely not!" I exclaimed, unable to hide the horror in my voice.

The idea was unbearable. Spending time with him was a nightmare in itself, and now it seemed inevitable.

The Golden Ruins (High School Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now