Chapter 11

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"Let's go!"

Saturday morning dawned. I had spent the entire night tossing and turning, my mind tangled in the mystery of why the coach expected me at a team activity I wasn't officially part of. Our conversation was cut short last time, and now the uncertainty loomed over me like a dark cloud. It was almost refreshing that Coach hadn't scolded me or thrown me off the team, as Cal had ominously hinted.

Yanlin remained immersed in his phone, a picture of indifference. His eyes didn't waver as he fired back, "I don't want to go anywhere with you, honestly."

I rolled my eyes, dismissing his lack of enthusiasm. "Well, lucky for you, you're going anyway! I'm stuck with you for an entire week, remember?" I taunted, fully aware that it would strike a nerve.

"Oh, shut it." His face contorted in irritation at my mocking remark, and I reveled in the small victory.

Twirling around with exaggerated flair, I continued, "And look at this masterpiece! I tailored this dress myself. Isn't it a beauty?!"

I adorned myself in a vibrant yellow puff sleeve mini dress, paired with knee socks for a touch of coverage. A matching yellow textured headband held my hair in place, and on my shoulder hung a cute crochet mini bag. Tailoring my outfits and accessories was a norm for me, reserved not only for significant events but as a daily expression of my personal style.

Yanlin's dismissive snort pierced the air. "You sewed it yourself? I'm amazed it's still holding together."

I huffed, deciding to ignore his comment. "Just get ready, we're leaving in ten minutes."

Yanlin's response was a nonchalant wave of his hand, signaling that my timeline was of no concern to him.

"Don't care and didn't ask," he declared, his voice dripping with entitlement and disdain. "I'm not here to cater to your whims like some kind of babysitter."

I shot him an incredulous look, my mouth still occupied by a pastry procured from the table. Swallowing hastily, I protested, "What's up with you?!" I wiped my lips with a tissue, adding with a hint of defiance, "Fine then! I can go by myself! I don't need you to fetch me anywhere!"

The sudden change in his disposition was baffling. One day, he's euphoric about driving me to school; the next, he's opposing it!

Yanlin spared me a side-eye, a condescending smirk playing on his lips. "Finally, some sensible words from your mouth."

I've been mastering the art of commuting for the past few months, navigating my way to Baviera High School with Cal as my trusty guide. He always took the lead, so I never had to face the wild world of public transportation alone. Plus, there's the ongoing challenge of speaking the language fluently. It's a work in progress!

"Master Yanlin, you've got the esteemed duty of escorting madame Meilin to school this week. Junfeng's away, so you're in charge," Chun interrupted as she dusted off the vases with practiced precision. "Madame Meilin mentioned it's for a project."

"I'm sure it is," Yanlin replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he glanced at his phone, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His expression shifted as a notification chimed, prompting him to leap up with sudden enthusiasm. "Alright then! I suppose I'll be your chauffeur for the week!"

Was he texting someone?

I sighed in disbelief as he abruptly stood up, pacing towards his room to fetch his car keys. I bid farewell to Chun, my frustration bubbling beneath the surface. The mere thought of being babied by someone who acted like a baby himself was the most humiliating scenario I could imagine.

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