chapter 3

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(A/N In this story Malia is from the Tate family. The Hale fmaily is a whole other thing. Also, the names of Malia's (adoptive) mom and Stiles dad haven't been revealed so I'm just gonna be making up names for them.)

Ever since the argument between Queen Claudia with Stiles and Lydia, the castle has been filled with tension. Lydia's security has been greatly increased and Stiles spends most of the day trying to avoid his mother. Early in the morning and late at night there's been meetings held with Stiles, Lydia, Scott, and Lydia's parents on what to do with the situation. Queen Claudia isn't willing to make any compromises. If the wedding is called off then so is the alliance, which would badly affect both countries and make them weaker so it would be easy for enemies to strike. If the wedding isn't called off, then Queen Claudia would wreak havoc upon the country, castle, and Lydia.

Lydia quietly walked through the hallways of the castle. There was another secret meeting tonight in her parents political meeting room. She had to make sure to be quiet because she couldn't risk being followed. If word got around that Queen Claudia is threatening the alliance and the future queen, then no one knows what the outcome could be.

As Lydia slowly opened the door entering the political meeting room, Stiles and Scott walked over to her. "Hi there." Stiles say and opens the door. "Sneaking around like this makes me feel like a ninja. It's cool."

"Yeah, until you get caught." Scott replies.

The group of three sat down on the couch and looked up at The King and Queen of America standing in front of a table who where whispering to each other. "We know how to solve this problem." Lydia's mom says, walking in front of the group of three. "Chances are that King Richard doesn't know that his wife came here to call of the alliance and threaten my daughter. The Queen can't do stuff like that without letting the King know. The King wouldn't allow this to happen unless his opinion changed and his opinion couldn't have changed if he sent his son here."

"That's true." Stiles says, "My father wouldn't allow my mother to do something like that. He must think that my mother came here to come and visit me and see how I'm doing."

"Then I'll write him a telegram and have one of the guards go on horseback to deliver it to the dock." The King says.

"You can't. My mother probably has men stationed there to intercept any telegram being delivered from the castle. She does that at the England Castle and she'll do that here." Stiles interjects.

Lydia's father shrugs, "Then we'll be extra careful. That's nothing to be too worried about."

Stiles shakes his head, "Yes but my mother has strong and dangerous men stationed there. If they catch someone from the castle trying to deliver a telegram then they'll immediately interrogate the person. Then, if the person draws their sword then the men won't hesitate to kill. I've seen them before. I'm familiar with them. They're dangerous and men that are meant to be feared."

"Our soldiers are well trained for that. They can handle a couple of strong men."

"No they can't." Lydia laughs, "Our army is growing weaker and weaker, you should know that more than anyone. The only men that could do that are the men from Chris Argent's army, but we can't get anyone from that army since they're stationed in France for a battle or are getting ready to go to France for battle."

Lydia looks over at her mother and watches her face go pale. "How do you know that?"

"It doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that France is our biggest enemy and needs to be defeated." Lydia remarks.

The King interrupts the conversation, "Then who should we send? If the Prince is right then who should we send? Should we just send no one and hope that Claudia has a change of heart?"

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