chapter 18

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Lydia felt like an awful person, but she would also be lying if she did that she didn't enjoy spending time with Jackson. He was actually making her happy. The last time she was happy when was Stiles was with her. Even if he made her happy, she couldn't stand the thought of her being a cheater. Lydia was a married woman. She is a married woman. It was just wrong for her to cheat, even if Stiles was cheating.

The only good news that Lydia has been hearing the past few days was the fact that Allison and Isaac finally started dating. But honestly, it was about time. Lydia was waiting for them to be a couple.

Lydia sat on Allison's bed and listened to Allison gush about Isaac. It kinda made Lydia feel sick since what Allison feels for Isaac is how Stiles and Lydia use to feel about each other.

"Something's wrong." Allison stated and Lydia turned her head.


"You're hiding something from me."

Of course Allison was going to figure out something wasn't right. She always figures it out. "Jackson kissed me. And I kissed him back." Lydia confessed and Allison's eyes widened before she threw a pillow at Lydia.

"You're married! You have a husband! Why would you do that? Just because Stiles is cheating doesn't mean you have to! Please tell me that this happened last night and your little affair hasn't been going on for awhile."

"It's been going on for a little over week but in case you are wondering, we have not slept with each other. That would be utterly disgusting."

"That makes things somewhat better but it still doesn't matter. Lydia, how do you not know that Stiles will come back to you? He has to come back to you."

"Allison, he doesn't love me anymore!" Lydia exclaimed, "I've accepted it and why can't you? If he wants to run off with Malia then he can."

"A love like the one you and Stiles had doesn't just magically fade! I was there when Stiles first saw you and I knew it from the first minute that he laid eyes on you that you two would fall in love. Why won't you realize this?"

"Because Stiles and I are over. Look." Lydia held up her left hand, "I haven't been wearing my wedding ring for the past few weeks. Stiles hasn't either."

Allison looked shocked and she was at a loss for words for a few moments, "How could-"

"I think we've had enough talking for one day." Lydia decided, "I'll talk to you when you're less angry."

Lydia walked out of Allison's room and sighed. Allison was always so oblivious to situations like these. Allison couldn't understand Lydia's situation. At this point, Lydia barely understood her own situation.


"Stiles." Malia's voice called and knocked on his door, "Are you in here?"

"Come in." Stiles replied and put his book down. Malia smiled and greeted him with a kiss.

"When do you want to leave for France? I'm beginning to feel homesick."

"Probably in another week or less. I need to begin packing and coming up with a plan how I'm going to leave the castle."

"Isn't your father leaving soon?"

"Yes, tomorrow."

"Just lie and say you're going back with him to visit the castle and see how the British army is doing. I'm sure Lydia and her father could make up some lie about where you are after you've been gone long enough." Malia shrugged and sat on one of his chairs. "My mother is eager to have us come home."

"Queen Isabella of France. She's been my country's enemy for years. It'll be quite odd becoming King of the country that use to put mine at so much risk." Stiles replied and sat next to Malia.

"And now your country will be safe."

Stiles glanced at clock in his room and stood up, "I should probably go head down to dinner since I told my father that I would eat with him. I'll see you later."

"Oh, okay. Can I just stay in your room while you're gone?" Malia questioned, "I hate my room."

"You're always in my room anyway." Stiles said and gave Malia a kiss before leaving his room and shutting the door. He continued walking down the hallway and down to the first floor. When Stiles passed Jackson's room he stopped walking. It sounded like he heard Lydia's voice inside, but it couldn't be true.

Stiles waited another moment and heard Lydia's voice again. She was in Jackson's room, but why? Stiles slightly opened the door and looked through. When the door opened, he saw Jackson and Lydia kissing. Stiles felt anger rise inside him and slammed the door shut before running back up to his room.

"Are you okay?" Malia asked and stood up as Stiles walked inside. "What happened?"

Stiles pulled out his suitcase from the closet, "Start packing your things. We're leaving for France tomorrow."


 I apologize for this being short but I really needed to get this chapter written since it sets the scene for a bigger event. What do you guys think?

The Monarchs has over 2k reads!! That's insane! Thank you guys so much! It means a lot to me that so many of you like this!

Also, I have another Stydia fanfiction in the works. Would you guys like me to publish it soon?

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