chapter 10

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"Are things going well with Stiles?" Allison asked Lydia as they walked through the castle together to make their way to have breakfast.

"Oh yes, we're both happy but that's probably because we're still both in the honeymoon phase. I don't think either of us have exactly came back to reality with the realization that we still have responsibilities." Lydia says.

"How have you not realized that if you're discussing it right now?" Allison question.

Lydia shakes her head, "Because every time I think about having to deal with responsibilities, I immediately switch my mind to think of another subject."

Stiles and Lydia have been married for just about two weeks, and it was safe to stay that the newly-wed couple was filled with complete and utter happiness. Even though the two weren't allowed to go on a honeymoon, the two were granted some time off from their responsibilities but starting today they had to go back to meetings and keep on negotiating possible deals for the alliance with Empress Kira.

But the pair didn't let responsibilities bring down their mood. With their love for each other and feelings out in the open, both felt relieved and felt like that a weight was lifted off their shoulders. Before the wedding, Stiles and Lydia both felt like it was quite odd discussing their feelings with each other or any personal subjects in general, but now it felt like something natural.

"Do you two happen to know when the coronation will be? I imagine that you're father should be handing down the crown soon." Allison asks as they sit down at the table beside each other.

Lydia shrugs, "I honestly have no clue. My parents had to wait about three months after their marriage to become King and Queen so I am just guessing that's how long Stiles and I will have to wait."

"Thank goodness that isn't a long time from now. Both countries need new Kings and Queens. I'm getting tired of seeing your father walk down the hallway everyday wearing that crown."

"Seeing him in the crown relieves me. I still don't think I'm ready to become an actual Queen. I'll also be a Queen of two countries. Not one, but two." Lydia says and the thought terrified her. Every decision she makes affects two countries. If she made one wrong decision, then France could immediately attack and thousands of people would be put in danger. Lydia didn't even know if she could make a decent Queen and she didn't have any advice because her mother passed and there aren't any books written on how to be a good Queen.

"Okay," Allison says, setting her fork down and turning towards Lydia. "Someone is bound to ask you this question sooner or later and I figured that it would be best for me to ask you first... Are you and Stiles planning on having heirs?"

"You know, I was dreading the moment that someone was going to ask me that question." Lydia replies, "I don't think Stiles and I have a choice. If we don't have heirs then the throne could be handed to some fool of a cousin and that cannot happen. But I don't know, Stiles and I haven't exactly discussed that subject."

"Well, when you two do end up having heirs then I would like to be the Godmother."

"Then you will be. I don't have anyone else to make the Godmother anyway." Lydia shrugs then changes the subject. "What about you? How are you and Scott?"

Allison laughs then smiles, "Scott and I are just lovely. He's been doing a lot of military training these past few days so I haven't had a chance to see him much but I think that we may actually have a future."

"That's amazing!" Lydia exclaims, "I can already picture the wedding!"

"Okay, calm down. Scott and I haven't even been together for a month. You are thinking way too far into the future."

The Monarchs | A Stydia AU (completed) Where stories live. Discover now