chapter 24

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(A/N Please read the authors note at the end of this chapter.)

Three weeks passed since the beheading of the Queen and Princess of France occurred. It was a nice three weeks. Stiles and Lydia were happy, everyone was happy. But the happiness couldn't last forever. When word reached France that their beloved Queen and Princess died, it was safe to say that France wanted revenge. A war was coming and no one knew when it would occur but everyone knew that at some point, something bad was going to happen.

Lydia woke up later than usual today. She was use to waking up around six or seven in the morning, but when she looked at clock on the wall it read eight thirty. "You're finally awake." Stiles said as he walked in their room and looked in his closet. "I can't find my armor. Have you seen it?"

"No, Stiles, I do not keep track of your stuff." Lydia replied as she sat up in bed.

"Where could've it gone then?" Stiles questioned and began rummaging through the room.

"Okay don't destroy the place." Lydia said, "Why do you even need your armor?"

"I'm training Derek's part of the army today. He sprained his wrist but he'll be fine in a couple of days." Stiles announced proudly. "Do you have anything planned for today?"

Lydia shrugged, "Meetings. I would hang out with Allison, but she's been spending so much time with Isaac."

"Are they dating?" Stiles turned around and asked.

"They've been dating for over a month." Lydia informed and Stiles nodded.

"That explains why I see them holding hands."

"It does, doesn't it?" Lydia said as she fixed her hair. "Do we have any word on what's going on in France?"

"The people currently revolting."

"Great." Lydia said plainly, "It's only a matter of time before our castle gets attacked. If, or when, our castle gets attacked I want to be fully prepared."

"If we get attacked by anyone it'll probably be the French people coming onto our land and demanding justice for Isabella and Malia." Stiles laughs.

"Well, I best get going. Have fun training the army." Lydia smiled and kissed her husbands cheek before walking out of her room and into the hallway. She could sense that today was going to be a big day and she had big news, but she just had to wait for the right time to reveal it.


"Oh my goodness Allison!" Lydia exclaimed as they walked through the halls of the castle, "Are you ever going to stop going on about Isaac? All you're saying is "Isaac did this" or "Isaac did that" it's like your swooning over him."

"Well I am!" Allison defended, "And please, you were swooning over Stiles at one point too."

"Yes, but I kept it to myself unless those annoying days when you would talk about it. Speaking of Stiles, did you seriously tell Stiles everything I told you?" Lydia questioned.

Allison shrugged, "A little."

"Great!" Lydia threw her hands up in the air, "Everything I told my best friend, that was suppose to be confidential, was told to Stiles. I feel like that's an invasion of privacy."

"Oh, it was for your own good. You had no idea how much it broke Stiles heart when I told him how much the affair hurt you. I'm serious, he even cried and-"

"Okay, I think that's enough." Lydia said, ending the conversation. Allison began to reply to her best friends comment, but was interrupted by a guard.

"Your Highness, you've been summoned to the political meeting room by your father. He says that it is urgent." The guard said and Lydia nodded.

"I'll see you later, Allison."

Lydia began walking and sighed. What could possibly be going on now? She opened the door to the meeting room and saw Stiles sitting down. He was sweaty and his face was red, but that was probably because he just came from army training. "You look lovely." Lydia commented and sat next to him.

"Thanks." Stiles replied.

"A new King and Queen were crowned today in France." The King informed as he sat in front of the Prince and Princess, "They vowed to get revenge."

"That's even lovelier." Lydia replied.

"Does that mean war?" Stiles asked, "Because it sounds like war to me."

"Possibly." The King shrugged, "But as both of you know, I am growing older. I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay on the throne. It's time that America and Great Britain get new leaders. Stiles father and I have been seriously considering passing down the throne to you two very soon."

"Really?" Lydia asked in surprise. She always thought that her father would remain on the ground for a few more years.

The King nodded, "We're on the edge of war and our countries need new leaders. I don't know when the coronation will happen, but it will in less than two months. That is all I have to say, you two may leave."

"So war and us getting crowned King and Queen." Stiles said as he walked out of the room with Lydia. "I guess that with the bad things comes the good things."

"King and Queen?" Lydia questioned, "I don't know if we're even ready for that. You may be, but I don't think I am."

"Oh please, Lydia. You would be a great Queen. You're already a great Princess and I cannot wait to see how you would be as a Queen."

Lydia blushed, "You would probably be the better ruler."

"That's most likely true." Stiles shrugged and Lydia laughed. The two walked out to the backyard and sat on one of the benches in front of the pond.

"Do you have to get back to training?"  Lydia questioned.

Stiles shook his head, "I gave the army two hours for lunch."

"That's an awful lot of time."

"They deserve it." Stiles replied, "They've been working hard."

Lydia nodded. She cleared her voice and stood up, "I have something to tell you."

"You're not divorcing me or running away, are you?" Stiles questioned and Lydia gasped.

"Of course not! I would never do that!"

"Oh thank goodness, so what is the news?" Stiles asked.

"Well I don't think there is a simple way to say this." 

"Lydia, you're worrying me." Stiles said.

"I am with child." Lydia blurted, "I'm pregnant."

Stiles jumped up, "What? Seriously? So that means-"

"We're going to have a family." Lydia smiled, "We're going to have children and have a family."


Awww yay there's Heirs now!!!

So, this story probably has about ten or eleven chapters left. My other story, The Art of Getting Better, only has a few chapters left. So I will just say it, I am planning a sequel for this story. That's the only information that I want to reveal.

But, I also want to publish another fanfiction after The Art of Getting Better is over. How would you guys feel about a Liam Dunbar fanfiction? I don't want to reveal too much, but it will be much different than the other Liam Dunbar fanfictions. Would you guys like that? 

The Monarchs has over 4k reads!! That's insane!! Thank you all so much for reading! I'm so glad you like it. I think I'll publish another chapter tonight!

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