chapter 5

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Today was the day when the man sent to assassinate Lydia would arrive. The Queen wanted to have her daughter hide out and lay low for the day, but her father said it would rise suspicion and the man would figure out that the royal family knew what would happen. But Lydia also couldn't be alone. The King and Queen told Allison that she must be around Lydia at all times throughout the day. Lydia and Allison didn't mind that they had to spend the day together, they were actually excited. Ever since the arrival with Queen Claudia, Lydia and Allison haven't had much time to spend together.

Stiles said he would feel better if he had to spend the whole day with Lydia, but the King and Queen said it would also look suspicious if Stiles never left Lydia's side for the day.

When Lydia finished getting ready for the day, she walked to the second floor to Allison's chambers to see that Allison was finished too. "I was just going to go to your room and see you." Allison laughed and closed her room doors. "So, all of this your parents said about someone from the French castle coming to assassinate you, that's true?"

Lydia nods, "It's true. I intercepted a telegram sent from Queen Isabella that was going to Claudia saying that she was sending someone to assassinate me."

"I really wish I could punch Queen Isabella in the face. Ever since I was a little girl, my father always talked about how terrible she was and that no one from France could be trusted because they serve under the evil queen. I knew she hated America, but I just didn't know she hated America that much." Allison says, shaking her head as they walk downstairs to have breakfast.

"Stiles and I have been discussing what to do about the problem with Queen Isabella. We've come up with some pretty decent ideas but of course, my mother and father have to approve of them since they're King and Queen. Until Stiles and I become King and Queen, we just have to wait around trying to stay safe."

"Yes, because that is working out so well for the both of you." Allison laughs, "But speaking of you becoming Queen, I thought you didn't want to become Queen. I also know you've told me that the last thing Stiles wants is to become queen."

Lydia shrugs, "Things have changed. Stiles and I realized that we need to put our ignorance aside and think of the country, well, countries. We've realized that we have much larger problems facing us then our resentment to ruling two countries."

"I still don't understand, do you want to be Queen now? Does Stiles want to be King?"

"Well, I know that I do want to be Queen and I am almost positive that Stiles wants to become King. But, as I've said before, Stiles and I don't exactly have time to discuss our personal feelings with each other." Lydia says.

"What are you personal feelings toward each other?" Allison questions, almost laughing.

Lydia rolls her eyes, "If I knew the answer then I would tell you. Now, let's change the subject. What else are you just itching to ask me?"

Allison wonders for a moment what else has been on her mind but then turns to face Lydia and stops walking, "How's Scott?"

"He's fine. He will be fine. An arrow hit his shoulder but it was no big deal, he also has a fractured rib, and a small concussion. It's nothing to be too concerned about." Lydia explains, shrugging off his injuries.

"That's a relief." Allison sighs, "The guards won't let me see him. Only the King, Queen, and the heirs can. Apparently Scott isn't stable enough to have other visitors."

Lydia narrows her eyes at her best friend and smiles, "I wasn't aware you were friends with Scott."

Allison shrugs, "Before he got injured he was teaching me how to sword fight and I was teaching him how to use a bow and arrow. We're actually pretty good friends."

The Monarchs | A Stydia AU (completed) Where stories live. Discover now