chapter 11

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Isaac's words shocked Lydia, she could barely believe what he said until she looked out the windows and saw. She saw tons of soldiers dressed in gear from the French army. Some were sword fighting with the American army and some were trying to climb the walls to jump over the gates.

"You need to go. You need to go somewhere and hide!" Isaac yells and starts running down the hallway. The whole castle was in a panic and people were running all over the place.

"Lydia!" Allison yells. Lydia turns around, seeing Allison hold her bow and arrow.

"What are you doing?" Lydia questions.

"That doesn't matter. I think there may be some people from France inside the castle and they're coming for you and Stiles. There's tons of secret ways out of the castle, you just need to look in the right places. And don't worry about Stiles, he's with Scott." Allison says. "Don't let the French capture you."

Lydia watched Allison run off to the main entrance. When Lydia was little, she use to have to do practice drills in case something like this ever happened. Allison was right, the castle was filled with secret exits.

"Where is the future Queen?" Someone yells and Lydia sees a dozen French guards emerging from the top of the stairs. Lydia ran off and tried to blend in with the crowd. She knew that she wouldn't be safe in her room, the only place she would be safe would be as far away from the French as possible.

Come on Lydia, you know where to look, Lydia thought to herself and she stopped at a huge wall size painting of the very first American Queen. Lydia lined her fingers around the edges and it successfully opened. She stepped through, closing the painting and she looked through the dark and eerie hallway. The walls were lined with candles and the hallway was wet and cold. Lydia knew that it must've led to the basement. No one knows about the basement except the Royal family because it's where they're suppose to go in times of emergencies. It's where Lydia's mother went to try and stay safe from the plague.

Lydia ran through the hallway and came to a wooden door. She stopped and held her ear against the door, hearing her fathers familiar voice.

"She should be here." Her father says, "I don't know where she could be."

"I don't know where Stiles could be either. If he's not here, then I hope he's with Scott." Another voice says that Lydia recognized as Stiles father, also the King of Great Britain. Lydia opened the wooden door and the two Kings looked at her.

"Thank goodness you're here." The King of America says and he breathes a sigh of relief as he hugs his daughter.

"Is Stiles with you?" The King of Great Britain asks.

Lydia pulls away from the hug and closes the door, "He's with Scott."

"Okay, that makes me feel better." Stiles father nods and sits down on one of the chairs. "How could this happen?"

"That doesn't matter." Lydia says, "What matters is that France is practically begging for a war. They invaded our country, they invaded our home. Who knows what the death count could be now. First, France infects us with the plague and now they've invaded us. I won't allow this to stay any longer."

"Where are you going?" Her father asks as he sees Lydia walking back the door.

"I'm going to tell the leader of the French army to deliver a message to Queen Isabella." Lydia says as she opens the door and slams it as she runs back down the cold hallway and opens the frame.

She sees Isaac and Derek Hale running past her and she runs up to them.

"What are you doing? You should be hiding in safety!" Isaac exclaims.

"Tell the leader of the French army to come into the throne room. He's only allowed to bring one other man with him." Lydia says.

"We cannot do that." Derek says.

"I order you to." Lydia snaps, "As your future Queen, I order you to tell the leader of the French army to meet me in the throne room."

"I will." Isaac tells Derek, "You need to make sure that Lydia stays safe." Isaac begins running before Derek can reply.

"Do you have a death wish?" Derek asks Lydia as they quickly make their way to throne room.

"No." Lydia says, "I just have a very important message that needs to go back to France."

Derek shakes his head and opens the door to the throne room. It was completely empty and Derek locked the door. Lydia walked to the window, seeing the fighting still going but she could tell that the American army was winning. She looked at the top of the gates, seeing the American soldiers pulling back there bow and arrows at the French trying to climb up the castle walls. She saw Allison standing at the very top, furiously shooting her arrow as each one hit a French soldier trying to climb up the walls of the castle.

Lydia's attention soon goes to the war being fought on the ground with swords. She sees Scott fighting off men and gasps as she also sees Stiles dressed up in armor and fighting French soldiers. Lydia was shocked, she assumed he would try to go into safety. She watched nervously and she saw Stiles fighting the men without getting any harm done to him.

She couldn't watch Stiles fight the French men anymore so she turned around and sat in the throne made for the Queen. Lydia sat patiently and Derek nervously waited outside the door and the silence was broken as someone knocked on the door and it was Isaac, "I have him."

Derek looks over at Lydia and she nods. He opens the door and Isaac walks in with the French general then Isaac and Derek stand next to him.

"Greetings, Princess Lydia. I'm General Parrish of the French army."

"That's great." Lydia dismissed his introduction with a wave of her hand, "I came in here to have you deliver a message to Queen Isabella and the message is going to be crystal clear and easy to remember."

"I have full intentions of delivering the message to the Queen." The General nods.

"Tell Queen Isabella that I will no longer accept the danger she has caused. She has killed thousands and even killed my mother, which is an act of treason. If Queen Isabella wants a war then a war she will get. But she will lose the war and I intend of having her head on a silver plate." Lydia says, "Will you be able to remember that?"

"I will. But do you realize that Queen Isabella will be infuriated with you? No one talks to the Queen with such disrespect."

"Then maybe she shouldn't have been a murderous psychopath! She's killed my mother, she's killed innocent people, invaded American soil, and has threatened my life several times. Queen Isabella brought this upon herself and if she really does want to test who is angrier than I guarantee you that it is me." Lydia exclaims and stands up, "You will also tell your army to stand down or I swear to God that I will have you and the rest of your army killed right now and will send your head and the heads of the French army to the Queen."

"Very well. We will leave, but I sincerely hope that you realize what you're getting into." General Parrish says as he turns around and walks out of the room.

Lydia was still filled with anger, but she did feel better after making sure that General Parrish will travel back to France and send the message to Queen Isabella. At this point, Lydia wanted to have a war against the Queen of France. There is nothing that Lydia wanted more than to see the Queen and France come crashing down.

"They're leaving." Derek says as he looks out the window, "We've won this battle."

"We may have won, but this battle is just the first of many and is the spark that has lit the fire." Isaac replies in a dreadful tone as he realizes what larger troubles will be coming in the near future.


Well that happened.

Anyway, I hope you all liked this chapter. It was basically part two to the previous chapter but I didn't name them part one or part two. Oh well.

I'm really excited to keep on writing more chapters of this story, I think it'll be really good and I hope you guys will like it!

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