chapter 28

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The battle lasted almost six hours. By time it was over, the American army won and Stiles was exhausted. He had several injuries but they weren't fatal. A lot of American soldiers passed, but the French and Italian army experienced more loss. Stiles managed to slow the bleeding from his arms and legs since he had slash marks, but he didn't know how bad the injury was yet.

"Isaac! Isaac!" Stiles yelled as he searched for one of his closest friends.

"Over here." The familiar voice said, but Isaac's voice sounded weak and like he was in pain. Stiles rushed over and saw Isaac laying on the ground. He was hurt bad. Really bad. "I don't know if I can make it."

"Shut up and stay awake Isaac. We're going back to the castle and you are going to live. You are not going to die." Stiles said as he lifted Isaac off the ground.

"You can order me to do anything, but I don't know if you can order me to stay alive." Isaac laughed. "Leave me here. You're injured as well. It's okay if I die, Stiles. I'm ready."

"You may be, but I am not." Stiles said, "Come on men, it's a long walk back to the castle and we must get there before dark."

Stiles regretted not coming on horse back. The army decided to walk, which was a very bad idea. The walk back to the castle would take at least two and a half hours, and Stiles could tell that is was almost night fall. It was hard to walk, especially with him also carrying Isaac's weight but he wasn't going to let Isaac remain in the field and day. There was no way that Stiles was going to let that happen.

"Stay with me, Isaac. You'll be home soon enough." Stiles said.


"It's me! It is the King of America and Great Britain. I'm here with my army and we have people who are fatally wounded." Stiles yelled at the guards.

"Open the gates for the King and his army!" The guard ordered. Stiles walked in the gates and heard Allison's voice.

"Isaac!" She ran over to him.

"He's losing consciousness, get him to the infirmary now." Stiles said. He looked around and saw dead men dressed in French suits. "What happened here?"

"We were attacked by French men. They weren't part of the army though, they were part of their own army." The guard replied.

"Is Lydia okay?" Stiles asked. No one replied and Stiles grew angry, "Someone tell me whether or not the Queen, also my wife, is okay?"

"We don't know, your Majesty. We have been out here the whole time." Another guard replied.

Stiles shook his head and ran inside  the castle. There were more bodies laying on the ground. He ran to his and Lydia's room and opened the door. No one was inside. As Stiles walked down the other side of the hallway to try and find her, he saw Derek laying unconscious on the ground.

"Derek! Wake up!" Stiles yelled. 

Derek opened his eyes and sat up. It was clear that he was in pain. "Lydia escaped through the tunnels. There was a carriage waiting for her to go the Argent's estate but one of the French men followed her through the tunnel. I tried to stop them, but they knocked me out. I don't know if she made it out safely or not."

"Go to the infirmary, Derek. You're hurt badly. I'll find Lydia." Stiles said before he opened the secret passage door and made his way through the tunnels.


"I've been Queen for not two weeks and you're already capturing me?" Lydia asked as the bag was removed from her head. She observed her surroundings. The only light was the torches hanging on the wall. She didn't know where she was. Lydia could tell she was in a building but that's it. The place was dark and cold.

"Holding you for ransom, actually. But we also do went to get revenge for our fallen Queen and Princess." One of the men. He had a strong French accent and had a look of anger on his face.

"You idiots. You captured the Queen. Do you know how high of treason that is? You'll be dead soon enough." Lydia laughed, but was silenced by a hand slapping her face. Her cheek burned but she turned her head to face the man who slapped her. "It'll take much more than slapping to break me."

"We'll need proof that we have the Queen." A different man said as he walked in front of Lydia then to her hand, "Let's send the castle a special gift of Queen Lydia's wedding ring and coronation ring. I'm sure everyone will get a kick out of that."

"Yeah, my husband will be very amused." Lydia replied, "He'll be so amused that he'll probably want to behead all of you himself."

The man laughed as he took off Lydia's two rings, "Your pathetic little husband and army won't be able to find us! You'll be dead by time they find us."

"Well, my pathetic little husband and army, managed to trick the Princess of France into believe that they were on her side and managed to capture both of them so I don't think they're that pathetic." Lydia said.

"Someone shut this girl up!" The man yelled.

"Gladly." The same man who slapped her then punch Lydia in the face. She spat the blood in her mouth onto the floor.

"Enjoy this time you have while you got it. It's only a matter of time before my husband and my army find me." 

"They'll never find you." The man said.

Lydia smiled, "The American army is made up of more than twenty thousand soldiers. And don't forget that I'm also the Queen of Great Britain so that's also more than twenty thousand soldiers. There will be people searching every end of the country to find me. I pity you, when you get caught you'll also have to face the wrath of the very angry King and I assure you, he will show no mercy."


I really like how much toughness Lydia is showing. It's a side of her that we've never seen before.

So I'm probably going to publish my Liam Dunbar fanfiction soon, so please go check that out! It'll be up in less than an hour.

Thank you all so much reading and I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!

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