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My heart is pounding, the blood rushes to my face. I feel a warm breath gently caress my skin. The warmth spreads across my neck before a pair of soft lips crash against my neck. His lips pucker against me, his tongue trails further down my neck. The moan that erupts from my lips is something extremely carnal. It's like a fire has spread across my body, with no way to extinguish the flame of lust that is slowly consuming me.

I want to peel my eyes open, to look at the man that is slowly becoming my undoing. The words "stop" want to tumble out of my mouth but I choke them down with a groan as he slowly makes his way down my body. Lips that I want to pull away from only stick to my body harder. He rips open my bra with his hands. It's like he can't get enough of me. The animalistic roar that escapes his lips only heightens my pleasure, making my defences crumble harder and faster as this mouth reaches my hardened nipples. The tip of his tongue gently swirls across my areola, the pleasure is exquisite, lost in haze of passion. Before I can even take my next breath a nip of his teeth graze against my nipple. The pain is deserving, I shouldn't be enjoying it but everything about his swift and adept moves only make me want to cum harder.

My eyelashes flutter as my eyes roll back into my head. My eyes glance down at the brown-haired Adonis that is feasting on me like a man starved. He pulls his head back, my nipple popping from his mouth. His dark brown eyes are lit with a desire that I have never experienced before. The dark orbs that have been haunting me are now a golden amber colour, filled with emotions that I have never seen. There's something dangerous about the glint in his eyes, it's like he wants to own me, possess me - destroy me. I can feel my chest heave heavily as as I stare at the man with an evil glint in his eyes. Every single one of his moves, is calculated, he's testing me, driving me to the brink of insanity. I should have said no. I should never had taken things this far.

However, I can't help but stretch out my hands, reaching for the back of his tousled hair. My nails dig into his scalp erupting a deep growl from him as I pull him closer to me. The last of my defences finally collapsing before my eyes. My lips finally searching for his both our tongues dance against each other for power - for control. It's not long before his tongue is plundering my mouth, searching for every secret, every unspoken word and for the first time I surrender fully to the man that has my heart tied up with thorns.

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