Chapter Nineteen

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Katie was my sister no matter what, however I started to note small changes in her. That was the problem having a twin, you were always in tune to their emotions. Over the years, Katie distanced herself further from me. Before, we would at least briefly speak to eachother. But now, there was none of that. If I tried to speak with Katie, she would ignore me. If she was going past me in the hallway at home or at school, she would shove past me. I didn't understand what I had done to earn her ire but it was as if my mere presence affected her mood. So rather than speak with her and confront these suspicions I simply swept them under the carpet and ignore them. I remember my dad always saying sisters argue over everything and anything. Except this wasn't the case, she simply treated me as if I was causing her physical pain.

They were the only memories I had with Katie before everything fell a part. All I can remember feeling excited for the future, that college was finishing and that I was heading off to University. Both me and Jordan worked vigorously to get the grades we needed. Both of us had applied to head to the same University, we couldn't bare the thought of being away from each other.

After the exams I remember spending the whole summer with Jordan. We took long bike rides and had picnics, we went to the beach for ice-cream, we laughed and chatted. That summer was one that was stereotypically filled with any teen's dream of romance. I can still close my eyes and imagine his arms wrapped around my body. On chilly summer evenings, I felt warm. My heart felt free and exposed but the man I gave my heart to only made me feel safe and secure. On the last evening before our results came in, he pushed a small silver engagement ring onto my finger.

"You are my everything. I love you more than I did yesterday and tomorrow I will love more than today. There will be no one else. Just you. Please marry me."

My eyes were welled with tears as he whispered those words. Words that would soon become a lie and a thing of the past. I never really realised that was our last summer together before everything changed.

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