Chapter Thirty

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That was the last time I spoke to my sister. They had tried to call me, well my father did and so did Jordan but I never answered them. The texts were constant and the phone calls were never ending. Eventually I changed my number, I needed a fresh start, away from them and the toxic environment my parents created for me.

However, one cold evening I was feeling lethargic and weak. I remember feeling extremely tired and it was like my body had been crushed by a thousand trucks. It was when I opened my eyes that I realised something sinister had happened. Especially as the person sat my bed was none other than mother. Even though she gave birth to me, she didn't like me. She didn't dote on me like my sister.

"Well it's good to see you are still alive." My mother stated with pursed lips. I couldn't help but feel my anxiety build as the words tumbled out of her mouth.

"Why are you here mother?" I croaked out.

She sighed. "You were found passed out when someone called the ambulance. I am on your next of kin so they contacted me." That reminded me that I needed to update my records so that they can't find me in the future. I didn't have the energy to argue with her at this point.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked as I stared out the window.

"Well that's the interesting thing, they said you were pregnant." My mother snapped.

"What do you mean were pregnant?" I could feel the burning in my chest get hotter and heavier.

"I mean you were pregnant. You no longer are pregnant." Her lips forming a thin line.

"What do you mean? Did I loose the baby?" The tears in my eyes welled up.

"Loose is a relative term. I informed Jordan and his family as I presume from the age of the foetus that he was the father. We all agreed it was best if you had an abortion. Especially with Katie being pregnant and the wedding coming up. We can't put anymore stress on her." My mother whittled on as if she was some martyr.

"What?" My tone was deep and dangerous. I clenched my hands into fists, I could feel my nails digging into the palm of my hand.

"Well Jordan said-"

"You killed my baby? You actually put me through an abortion? One that I didn't want? One that I'm pretty sure is illegal?!" I shouted.

"Well how could you embarrass us more than you already have? For heavens sake what is that baby supposed to call Katie? Aunt Mommy?" Mother shook her head.

"Get out." I said quietly.

"Listen what you and Jordan had was puppy lo...." My mother spoke over me. It's then that I lost control and started thrashing about the bed looking for the buzzer so that security could throw her out and she could leave. "... Louise calm dow...."

"LISTEN TO ME CLEARLY. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM." I screeched. "Never, I repeat, never do I want to see you again. Do you understand? For me, you are no one. For me, I am better off an orphan than ever having you as a mother."

With that a mountain of security flew into the room and dragged my shell shocked mother's face out of the ward. It was her facial expression that I would never forget, along with the forced abortion she gave me. That was the moment that I realised I was truly alone in the world. 

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