Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jordan's face when I slammed open the door was something that I could never forget. The ever confident and happy man looked sick to his stomach. His face was pale and his eyes were filled with unshed tears. I didn't have to guess to know who was standing behind me. I could always feel her contempt whenever I am around. I just never knew why.

"Why?" I whispered as my eyes flickered between the two. Katie had the decency to look down at the floor. The action that broke me was when I saw her place a hand on her belly. It was as if I was the big bad wolf coming to steal her child away. All I wanted was answers. Answers to questions that neither Jordan or Katie were willing to speak.

"I don't understand you Louise. Katie is pregnant with Jordan's baby. Aren't you happy for her? You know what a good man Jordan is you dated him? Why wouldn't you want your sister to be with someone that would look after you. She was so happy when you were okay with them dating, why wouldn't you be happy they are starting a family and getting married?" My mother huffed out as she made her way into the room. Katie tore her face in the opposite direction.

"Dated? Dating?" Jordan interjected.

"Well of course dear, Katie told us you and Louise spilt up before you went off to University and that while you were there you looked after Katie where you both developed feelings for one another?" My mother's words were like a stab to the chest.

"Mrs Cooper, you are mistaken, me and Katie have never been in a relationship..." Jordan started to explain.

"Were you two spending a lot of time together?"

"Yes... But because she is Louise's..." Jordan replied.

"Did you two have dinners together?"

"Every Sunday." My sister sniffled.

"Did you have sex?" My mother fiercely questions.

"I don't kn...." Jordan tries to speak.

"Yes" Katie replies over Jordan.

"Well that sounds like a relationship to me. We understand that you had a relationship with Louise but there is no reason for that to stop you from marrying Katie. Katie adores you and I am sure you adore our Katie. She will be an excellent wife." My mother convincingly explained.

"Louise..." Jordan's pain filled voice echo's through my head.

His voice was once a balm to my wounds but now I couldn't help but feel a cold shiver down my spine as he speaks my name, one that chills me to the bone. I can feel the tears streak down my face. The happiness that once lingered there, evaporated into smoke. It was then that I could sense him move. I couldn't help but hold my hand up.

"Don't..." I whimpered. "Please don't come closer."

"Please... Louise, I'm begging you." Jordan cried.

"Tell me, did you sleep with Katie?"

"I don't know." He sobbed as he tried to make his way closer to me. All I could do was retreat and take steps away from him.

"Were you naked? Were you sleeping in the same bed?"

He gives me a nod, in which I let out an excruciating sob and scream. I then turned to my sister, the one that had become my best friend since she moved.

"Are you pregnant?" I took a deep breath as I looked down her wailing.

"Yes" Katie replied.

"Is it Jordan's?" I questioned. I could hear the anger in my voice.

"Don't speak to your sister like that..." My mother started to moan.

"Will you shut up?!" I screamed at my mother, whose eyes just widened at what I did. Never in my existence have I ever raise my voice to her or say anything as rude.

"I will ask again. Is the baby Jordan's?"

"Yes." My sister replied.

It was then that I walked towards her and smacked her hard around the face. 

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