Chapter Five

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I rush out of the hallway and make my way to James who hasn't left the seat since I went to the bathroom. He seems animatedly talking to Sam and one of the old regulars. I sit next to them and turn my direction to Samantha who is behind the bar listening to one of James extravagant stories.

"I'll take a tequila shot." I stated as Sam gives me a perplexed look which I wholeheartedly ignore. "You might wanna' leave the bottle, so keep them coming." I gesture with my hand as she passes me a small short glass filled with an amber coloured liquid. I can't help but quickly swig the drink as fast as I can, it's like it's the last glass of water in an never-ending drought.

James furrows his brows, I can see the confusion plastered on his face. I know full well he doesn't realise the devil who has been hanging on my shoulder has entered the building. I'm pretty sure James would have smacked him in the face otherwise. I bang the glass on the table, gesturing with my head for Sam to pour another shot. From the corner of my eye, I see her give a passing look to James, one that is saying should I stop her. Jack smartly shakes his head and gestures for her to listen to watch I'm saying.

Again, I quickly lift the drink to my lips and down it in one. The pain in my chest starts to dissipate and my body starts to feel numb and relaxed. I can't help but by clench my eyes and rub the temples of my forehead. James scouts the room, searching for something, working out what has lead me down this path of destruction. It's then that his eyes widen at the sight of Jordan limping out of the toilets as he holds his crotch.

"Did he bother you?" James said with pursed lips. All I can do is shrug at him as I take another shot avoiding any eye contact with the man that just hobbled out of the bathroom. "I presume you're responsible for his current state?" He coughs into his hand with a smug long hanging off his lips.

"Maybe." I replied with a small victorious smirk.

Sam moves away from me and Jack as she makes her way to Jordan. He's perched over the bar, his forearms leaning on the bar top. He sits furthest away from me as I am hidden away in the corner. I can't help but snicker as I watch him readjust his dick and balls as he takes a seat on the stall. Although the bar is busy, it's still quiet enough to hear the conversation between Jordan and Samantha.

"Hello Dollface, you're new hear? What brings you this end?" Samantha chirpy questions.

"Family and a funeral." He says with a sombre look on his face.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." Samantha empathises. "What can I get you? It's on the house."

I can't help but scoff at Samantha giving him a free drink, the fucker does not deserve it. I'm pretty sure if Samantha knew the truth she would have kicked him out while he was down.

"I'll take a scotch on the rocks thank you." He replies with a nod.

"Coming right up Doll." She then swiftly makes her way to the alcohol unit, putting some ice in the bucket as she pours a swig of scotch over the top. She then takes the places and places it in front of Jordan.

Before I even have a chance to look away, Jordan raises his glass up at me, as if he is toasting to his future victory. All I can do is look at him with a hateful glare as I down my replaced shot.

Game on fucker. 

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