Chapter One

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The air is crisp, the coldness is nothing but harsh but the sun still shines in the sky, there to illuminate the world but offering no form of comfort. Many people are gathered around in their black formal wear, some filled with tears, some marred with frowns. Not a single person in sight is happy to be here, some are friends, other's are acquaintances but in front of the large group stood a family. A family that had lost their daughter, their sister and even their wife.

I couldn't bring myself to stand amongst the crowd, my heart was heavy as I stared on in silence, hiding by the side of a tree. Was this Karma? The woman who had embedded herself in my life from a young age was no longer here. Even though she died, I couldn't help but feel a weight on my shoulders that haunted me for many years. To the world, Katie was a kind and honourable woman, she was someone who shouldered responsibility, she was a family-orientated workaholic. But to me, she was someone who had betrayed me, hurt me and destroyed my life. But mixed with that was familiar feelings of the past, memories that were wholesome and reminiscence of times that were happier. However, they were locked away, never to be thought of again. For the pain and anger outweighed the love that we shared.

"You know Louise you should really go over there." A dark voice came from behind. I didn't need to look to know who it was.

"You know that is not possible." I nonchalantly respond.

"They are your family Louise. They need you." He replied.

I couldn't help but let out a dark chuckle as I shook my head. "They were never my family. They were always hers. She was the heir and I was the spare. There is nothing for me to say to them anymore, everything has already been said James."

James lets out a deep sigh, one that causes your bones to vibrate at the core. I feel his hand grasp my arm, he gently squeezes it. His warm arm, reminds me of the chill that is scattered across my skin. I almost forgot that January was considered winter in the England. A part of me wants to pull my warm away, but I can't bring myself to do it. For the man standing beside me was a crutch to my ailments. He healed me as much as a broken person can be fixed.

"Come on Louise, let's get out of here. Everyone is leaving, the service has finished." I watched on from afar as the large crowd scattered like little ants as they shuffled to their cars. All that was left behind were direct family.

A woman who was elegantly dressed in a black blazer and skirt. Even though I couldn't directly see her face, I could see that she was crying as raised her hand to blot her eyes. I didn't have to be up-close to the woman to know that she still looked in her thirties despite it being her fifty-eighth birthday in December. Beside her was a towering man, one that placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Although he didn't look his age, the years hadn't been as generous towards him as it was to his wife. No longer did he have pitch black hair, it was now streaked with white grey as his head hung low.

The third person was someone that I never wanted to see again. His name was forbidden to my lips. Every time I would want to say his name, the words would become stuck in my throat. Soon that name was a bitter taste in my mouth. Whenever I thought of him, I couldn't help but recoil in disgust and pain. However, no matter how hard I tried forget, I was left with an ache that felt as if someone was going to rip my heart out of my chest.

"Come on James, let's hit the pub." I responded as I turned away from the people who were once my everything, my reason for living, but now they were just a bitter part of my past I wished that I could forget. 

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